C U R L E W.
each feather being fa marked down, the lhaft; befides which
many of them are margined or marked on the edge with pals
fpots: the lower part of the back and rump are white : the
upper tail coverts, white, barred with- dulky :: tail brown, eroded
with feven or eight darker bars: quills dulky black, marked on
the inner webs with femicircular fpots of dulky white ; thé Ihafts
white : belly, thighs, and vent, dulky white : legs black. Such
is the defeription of my Ipecimen, which is the largeft we
have hitherto feen, the ufual length being about fifteen inches ■
though Mr. Pennant mentions one which meafured fixteen : in
this the bill was only two inches. Hence it feems to vary in »
great degree in refpeft to fize.
The Whimbrel has much the fame manners as the Curlew, but
is lefs common in England, and is migratory; at leaf! paffes
from one part of the kingdom to another, according to the fea-
fon. In the neighbourhood of Spalding, mLincolnßirey it is, met
with in vail: Hocks, from April to. May, on its pafiage to the
north *, where it is faid to breed. It is alfo feen in flocks about
the fame time on the Kentifi> coafts : and it may be that the major
part pafs ellèwhere ; yet many remain, as I had the fatif-
fadtion of receiving the one from which the above defeription
was taken, from our intelligent friend Mr. Boys o f Sandwich.
This was Ihot at Romney in the month of Anguß, where-it is
called a Jack f w i t h the aflurance that many of them Hay on
thofe coafts throughout the fummer, and breed thereabouts.
* Breeds in tie heath of the Highland hills, near Ihvercauld.— Flgr. Sea. L
p- 32.— Tour in Scold. 8vo. p. 108.— Ur. Zool.
+ It is probably called the Jack Curlew, from its being lefs in fize, though,
like in colour, to the common Curlew; in the fame manner as two of our Snif es are
c u r l e w ;. 125
1 This bird is alfo found in America; but feems to differ much'
in the fame manner as the Curlew o f that country does from the
European one, being darker coloured.
Scolopax Guarauna, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 242. r.
Le Courly brun d’Amerique, BriJ. Orn. v. p. 330. 6-.
Le Gouarona, Buf. OiJ. viii. p. 44.
Guarauna, Raii Syjt. p. 164.. 7.— Will, Orn. p. 292. pi. 33.
g I Z E of the Whimbrel: length twenty-one inches. Bill fours
colour brown, with a yellow bafe : the head and neck arc
brown; the feathers margined with whitifh : the back, and under
parts, from the breafr, of a chefnut brown : fcapulars,rump, upper
and under tail coverts, and tail, bright brown, glofled with
green : wing coverts the fame; but the greater ones, fartheft
from the body, are brown within : the quills are brown; the outer
edges glofly green brown : legs grey brown : claws blackilh.
This is found at Brajil, Guiana, and other parts of South.
Scolopax boreal«, Eikimaux Curlew, Phil. Tranf. vol. lxii. p. 411 .— Aril.
Z00L. N° 364 ?
j?r. Mu/. Lev. Muf.
L I T T L E more than half the fize of the Whimbrel: length
thirteen inches ; breadth twenty-one. Bill two inches long,
bent, remarkably flender, and-blackifh y the under mandible rufous
at the bafe : head pale, marked - with longitudinal brown-
lines : forehead deep brown, with pale fpots: neck, breaft, belly,
and vent, yellowilh white; the two firft dallied with brown-