G e n u s L V I I I . O S T R I C H .
N° i . Black Oftrich.
TH E bill in this fpecies is ftraife, deprefled like that of a
Duck, and rounded at the end.
Wings fmail, in proportion to the fize of the body,, and ufelefs
for flight.
Legs naked above the knee.
Toes two in number, and both placed forwards.
This and the following, with a third, which late obfervations
have proved to be of a far different family, were placed by Lin-
nceus under one genus. From the very diffimilar charadters, we
have thought right again to feparate them, according to Brijfont
who has thus done ,in his Ornithology.
.Struthio Camelus, Li». Syjl. i. p. 265.— Scop. Ann. i. N° 160.
.L’Autruche, Brif. Orn. v. p. 3. pi. 1. f. i.—Buf. Oif. i. p. 398. pi. 29.—
Bl.Enl. 457. (the female).
Oftrich, Rail Syrt. p. 36. i.— Will. Orn. p. 149, pi. 25— Albin, iii.pl. 53.
— Gent. Mag. xviii. pi. in p. 5 80,
Black Oftrich, Brown. Illujlr. pi. 16. (the male). /
Lev. Muf.
<HIS is, without doubt, the largefl bird in the creation :■ it
is near eight feet in length, and when Handing upright is