Scolopax fedoa, Lin. Syjf. i. p. 244. g.
La Barge rouffe d’Amerique, B rif Ortu v. p. 287.
----- ------------- * la Baye d’Hudfon, Buf. Oi/ vii. p. 507.
Greater American Godwit, Edna. pi. 137— j r(i_ 'fool. N° 371.
Br. Mu/. Lev. Mu/.
g I Z E o f o u r Godwit: length fixteen inches. Bill fix inches
longj colour of ic yellow, towards the point black: eyes
placed far back in the head : over the eye a white line: from
bill to eye a dufky line : beneath the throat white : head and neck
mottled with dulky and light brown : breaft barred with black:
belly brown : back and wing coverts varied with nifty brown and
dulky -. quills ferruginous on the outer webs : tail barred light
brown and black: legs long, black, naked high above the knees:
the outer and middle toes connefted to the firft joint.
Inhabits Hudfon’s Bay, where it is called a Curlew.
Scolopax Lapponica, Liu. Sy/t. i. p. 146. 1 ;.— Faun. Suec. 1 n — Brun.
N° 163.—Muller, N° 186.— Phil. Tran/, vol. Ixii. p. 4,
La Barge rouffe, Brif. O n . v. p 281.5. pi. 2J. fig. x.— B,/. Oi/. vii.p. 504.
— PI. Enl. 900*
Red-breafted Godwit, Edw. pi. 138.— Br. Zeal. N° 181. pi. 77.—ArB.
Zool, N° 372.
Br, Muf, Lev. Muf,
J ^ E N G T H eighteen inches: weight 12 ounces. Bill three
inches and three quarters, rather inclining upwards; colour
dulky, inclining to yellow next the head : the head, neck, breaft,
and upper part of the back, are ferruginous, ftreaked with black,
except the neck, which is plain : over the eyes a ftreak of a paler
colour :
colour : lower part of the back and rump rufous white; the feathers
dulky down the lhafts: the upper tail coverts are barred
rufous, white, and brown : the leffer wing coverts are brown,
fringed with white; the greater ones plain, and of a darker brown;
fome of them tipped with white, forming a bar on the wing:
greater quills black on the outer webs, white towards the bafe
within: the fecondaries half white, half black : the tail of the
fame colours: legs black.
This fpecies feems to be molt plentiful in America, being Place.
found in numbers in the fens about Hudfon’s Bay, where tney
breed, and then retire fouthward. The natives know it by the
name of Pufquatijkijhue.. It now and then appears in England,
but is very rare *. It is however more plentiful on the continent.
Is found in Lapland f . Appears about the Cafpian Sea in fpring;
but is never feen in Sibiria, nor in the north of Afia J. It is faid
to be a fine-flavoured bird.
Levr Muf. jij,
V ar. A.
A T R I F L E bigger than the laft. The bill four inches and Description,
a half in length, and turns much upwards; colour dulky,
with the bafe reddilh, and the point nearly black: the upper
parts of the body plain brown: head and neck cinereous: chin
nearly white: over the eye a pale ftreak : breaft mottled with
red : from thence to the vent white : tail as in the laft defcribed %
legs dulky.
* The Br. Zool. mentions its being once ihot near Hull; and Mr, Tnil fa ll has
a fpecimen in his collection which came out of Dor/etjbtre.
*f Line.sat. J. Arti. Zool.