rump, much rounded in fhape ; near the end barred with black ;
the tip white : legs pale yellow.
Male and female much alike.
This fpecies is confined to America ; and is found at New York,
Virginia, and Carolina: remains in Virginia throughout the year;
is there called Kill-deer, from the note refembling that word.
Migrates to New York in fpring, where it breeds, and lays three
or four eggs : returns fouth in autumn.
This is a very clamorous, reftlefs fpecies,; and, like the Jay in
England, fets up its cry the moment any one approaches, to the
entire difappointment of thofe who carry a gun.
Charadrius torquatus, Lin*. Syfi. i. p. 255.-8.
Le Pluvier a collier de Saint Domingue, Brif.-Qnt. v .y . 70. 6*
fig. z.— PI. Enl. 286.
C I Z E of the laft, but is an inch Ihorter. The bill is blue grey,
with a black tip : the forehead white, palling through the
eyes on each fide, and ending at fome diftance behind them:
behind the white on the forehead, between the eyes, is a black
fpot: the reft of the head grey brown, edged with rufous : the
chin, throat, and fore part o f the neck, white, palling round the
laft as a collar : beneath this is a collar of black, broad on the
fore part: the reft of the under, parts white, except a bar of
black mixed with white on thebreaft-. the back and fcapulars
grey brown, like the head : the rump and upper tail coverts
rufous : the four middle tail feathers brown, with rufous tips;
the others rufous, except the outer one, which is white; and all,
except the two middle ones, croffed with a black bar near the ends:
Ibme of the wing coverts are edged with rufous, and others with
white : greater quills black on the outer webs, and marked with
white on the lhafts near the ends : legs blue grey.
Inhabits Saint Domingo, Place*
Le Pluvier ä Collier de la Jamaique, Brif. Orn. v. p. 75, 11,
Larger grey Snipe witji a white neck, Brown Jam. p. 477.
Greateft Snipe, Bait Sjn. p. 190. 10»— Sloan. Jam* p. 318. pi. 265. fig. 3.
(bad figure.)
g I Z E a little fmaller than the noify Plover : length eight inches.
Bill one inch, black: irides orange: the upper part
of the head, neck, body, and wings, are dull brown: throat,
fore part of the neck, belly, thighs, and vent, white ; at the lower
part of the neck the white paffes round as a collar ; breaft fpot-
ted black and white: quills dull brown; tail whitilh, varied
with rufous and blaekilh: legs white, the joints dulky: claws
Inhabits Jamaica, where it frequents the banks of rivers. Place.
Charadrius hiaticula, Lin. Syft. i. p. 253. 1.—Faun. Suer. 187.— Scop,
Ann. i. N° 147- — Brun. N° 18 1.— NlulUr, N° zog.— Kram. El. p, 354. 2.
— Frifib. t. 214.— Gtorgi Reiß, p. 172.— Faun. Groenl. N° 78.
Le petit Pluvier a Collier, Brif. Orn. v. p. 63. 8. pi. 3. fig. 2.— PI.
Enl. 921.
Le Pluvier ä Collier, Ruf Oif. viii. p. 90. pi. 6.
Sea Lark, Raii Sjn. p. 112. A. 6. 190. 13.— fVHh Orn. p. 310. pi. 37.—»
Sloan. Jam. p. 319. 13. pi. 269. fig. 2.— Albin. i. pi. 80.
Ringed Plover, Br. Zool. N° z i i .— Ara. Zool. N° 401.
Er. Muf, Lev. Muf.
T E N G T H from fix to feven inches and upwards. Bill orange,
the end half black: irides hazel • the bafe of the upper
V ol. III. D d mandible,