
pale brown : quills brown; the end half of the fhafts white : the
fecondaries as long as the quills, and both of them reach to the
end of the tail, and hide it : the tail is two inches long, brown-,
and marked with obfcure pale brown fpots on each fide of the
webs ; legs about two inches long, and of a pale yellow.
Native place uncertain.. It feems clearly to correfpond with
the laft; but is confiderably lefs in fize.
Lem* Muf.
T E N G TH fix Inches. Bill one inch: the plumage on the
upper parts dirty brown: the forehead white: above and
beneath the eye a ftreak of the famd : under parts white : fecondaries
and prime quills equal in length y feme of the firft white
from the bafe for half the length; the fhafts white: fix of the
middle tail feathers brown;, the outer of thefe is white juft at
the tip and bafe; the three exterior ones white ; the laft but one
has a broWn fpot on the inner web near the tip; and the third
is black at the end: legs pale blue»
Place, Native place uncertain.
C I Z E of the Purre. The bill flefh-coloured ; the end black.:-
irides orange : head and neck black : on each fide of the
neck a large fquare chefnut fpot, the fize of a filver penny,
almoft meeting together at the back part: the upper part of the
plumage afh-colour, with a little mixture of white about the
baftardwing: the breaft and under parts white : quills and tail
dufky : legs flefh-colour.
Inhabits the South Seas. Found in Adventure Bay, Van Die-
men's Land.
p l o y e r .
C h a ra d riu s fpinofus, Lin. SjJi. i. p. 256. 12.— Haffilq. Iter. p . 260. 261.
Le P lu v ie r armé d u Sénégal, Sri/. Orn. v . p. 86. pl. 7. fig. 2.— PI. Enl. 8 o t.
Le Pluvier à a ig re tte , Buf. Oif. v iii. p. 99.
Br. Muf. Leiv. Muf.
C I Z E of the Golden Plover: length twelve inches. Bill above
^ an inch long, and black: irides red r the crown of the head
and throat are black, pafllng a little way down the neck before :
the hind head a little crefted : the back part of the neck, and
tipper part of the body, and fcapulars, grey : Tides of the head,
and all the under part, from throat to vent, yellowifh white,
except a crefcent o f black on the breaft, the convex part up-
permoft: the Idler wing coverts are black; the middle ones
as the back; the greater yellowifh white ; but feme of the outer
ones, and the nine outer greater quills, are black; the ten next
half white half black; the two following yellowifh white; and
the four next the body grey : on the fore part of the wing, juft
within the bend, is a fpur half an inch in length, a little bent^
and black : tail yellowifh white, tipped with black, deepeft on
the two middle feathers : legs black.
This fpecies inhabits the marfhy places of lower Egypt, in the
month of September ; is alfo found in other parts of that neighbourhood.
It goes there by the name of Dominican, the neck
being black, with white lides, not unaptly refembling the fame
part of the habit of that order *.
* Ha/felquijh