Place and
of an inch in breadth ; and thefe together furround the bafe of the
b ill: the head, throat, neck, breaft, and under parts, are black :
in fome the belly is mixed with white: back, wing coverts, and
fcapulars, fine chefnut 5 the outer angle of the wing mixed with
black : on the fhoulder a ftrong, fharp, yellow fpine, a quarter of
an inch in length : quills olive yellow, with the ends for one-
third, and the tips, margined with dulky; the outer one the
whole way on the outer edge : tail rounded j the two middle
feathers chefnut and brown mixed, with the ends black; the
others the fame, but no mixture of brown : the legs greenilh alh-
This fpeeies inhabits Brafil, Guiana,, and Surinam; but is
equally common at St. Domingo, where they frequent the marfhy
places, fides of ponds, and ftreams, and wade quite up to the
thighs in the water. Generally feen in pairs, and when feparated
call each other continually, till they join again. Are very Ihy,
and moft common in the rainy feafons in May and November,
Are at all times very noify; their cry fharp and fhrill, and may
be heard a great way off. This, as well as the other fpeeies, is.
called by the French, Chirurgien. The flefh is accounted pretty
Le Chirurgien noir, Brif. Or«, v. p. 124. 3.— Buf. Oif. viii. p. 189,
Gallinula tertia fpec. Marcgr. Rail Syn. p. 115. 10.
The third Brahlian Water Hen of Marcgrave, Will. Or«, p. 318.
g I Z E of the other. Bill faffron-colour: on the forehead a
membrane of a rufous colour: head, throat, neck, back, and
rump, black: breaft, belly, thighs, and under tail coverts,
broWn :
brown: quills green, tipped with brown: tail black: on the fore
- part of the wing a yellow fpur : legs afh-colour.
Inhabits Brafil, - ,
Le Jacana armé, ou le Chirurgien, Brif. Qrn. v. p. 123. 2.
Le Jacana-peca, Buf. Oif. viii, p. 190.
Aguapecaca, Rail Syn. p. 115. 9.— Will. Ont. p. 317.
g I Z E of the firft fpeeies. The colour of the plumage wholly
greenilh black : on the fore part of the wing a iharp yellow
fpur : and the legs and toes long, as in the others.
Inhabits Brafil, Cayenne, and Guiana, where it is called Agua-
fecaca. The manners like that of the Chefnut one ; but now
and then twenty or thirty are feen together : fkulk among the
flags in the watery places, and feed on filh and aquatic infetfts,
wading fome way in the water after them.
Le Jacana, Brif. Orn. v. p. 121, 1.
•-----------vert, Buf. Oif. viii. p. 189.
Gallinula Brafilienfis, Jacana difta, Rail Syn. p. 115. 8.
Brafilian Water Hen, called Jacana, Will. Or«, p. 317. pi. ;9,
g I Z E of a. Pigeon. Bill more than an inch long; the colour
half red half yellow : the fore part of the head covered with
a round membrane the colour of a turcoife: the head, throat,
neck, and breaft, blackifh green, glofled with violet: back,
rump, fcapulars, coverts of the wings and tail, belly, and thighs,
blackifh green : quills and tail much the fame : under tail coverts
white : legs yellowifh green: toes very long; the middle
one two inches and a half in length: claws alfo long and yellow.
I i 2 None
Place ans
- +■
g r e e n j .