
8. CAPE R.
9- _
O I Z E o f our Rail: length nine inches. Bill pale: plumage
above dufky : over the eye a pale line : hind part and fides
of the neck, and the bread:, ferruginous : under parts of the body
a(h-colour j fides of it barred acrofs with white narrow lines :
legs yellow,
In the colleflion of M. Tmftall, Efquire.
Rallus Capenfis, Lin. Syfi. Mantijf. 1771 • p. 525.
The Rail, Brown III. p. 94. pi. 38 ?
E A R L Y the fize of the Crake Gallinule. Bill black : head,
neck, back, and upper part of the breaft, ferruginous: lower
part of the breaft, belly, thighs, and vent, quills and tail, undulated
with black and white : two middle tail feathers ferruginous :
legs of a deep blood red.
Inhabits the Cafe of .Good Hope; and, if the fame as in Brown’s
work, alfo met with at Ceylon. The bill and legs in his plate
are painted brown.
J ^ E N G T H feven inches and a half. Bill an inch and a half,
colour red ; the upper ridge and end. dulky : all the upper
parts of the head, neck, and body, reddilh brown : chin, fore part
of the neck, and breaft, pale blue : from thence to the vent
white, tranfverfely ftreaked on the fides with black, as in the
common Water-Rail: vent white: legs red.
Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope. From the drawings of Sir
Jofeph Banks.
R A I L , ' 2 35
Rail, Brovin III. p. 96*. pi. 37,
J ^ A R G E R than the common Rail. Bill red: head dulky:
neck, back, and tail, ferruginous; the laft pretty long: wing
coverts as the back : prime quills black : fore part of the neck,
breaft, and belly, reddilh, clouded with brown : legs red.
Inhabits the ifiand of Ceylon.
C I Z E of ours. Bill blood red, tip pale brown : irides red : PACIFIC R.
head brown: over the eyes a whitilh ftreak : nape ferrugi- Description;
nous: throat white: breaft blueilh alh-colour: back and rump
black, fprinkled with fmall white fpots, but not numerous:
wings Ihort, wholly of a deep black, variegated with interrupted
white fafcise: quills brown : tail very Ihort, black, fpotted with
white, fcarcely to be diftinguilhed from the reft of the feathers:
belly, fides, and vent, whitilh : legs flelh-colour: claws pale.
Inhabits Otaheite, and the neighbouring illes. Place.
T E N G T H fix inches and a half. Bill black: eyelids and
irides red : general colour of the plumage brownilh black :
beneath dulky : legs reddilh brown.
Inhabits Tonga Taboo*, Otaheite, and the neighbouring illes in
the South Seas.
This varies in having the plumage more inclined to brown :
the vent white, tranfverfely barred with black lines : legs red.
Inhabits the illand of Tanna. Sir Jofeph Banks.
* Cook's laß Voy. i. 158.
H h 2 Br.