
V ar. A.
La petite Grebe cornue. Brif. Orn, vi. p. 50. $.— Buf. Oif, viii. p. 237.
Grebe d’Efclavonie, PI. Enl. 404. fig. 2.
D e s c r i p t io n . H E head of this bird is much tufted, and black : behind the
eyes a ftripe of loofe rufous yellow feathers : the hind part
of the neck, and upper parts of the body and wings, dulky black :
on the quills a patch of white : fore parts, from the chin to the
breaft, and fides, chefnut: bread:, belly, and thighs, refplendent
P l a c e .
white: legs lead-colour.
Said to inhabit Sclavonia, and feems to be a mere variety of
the lad: fpecies.
Le Grebe a joues grifes, ou le Jougris, Buf. Oif. viii. p. 241.—PL Enl. 93I#
Red-necked Grebe, Ar3 . Zool. p. 499* ^*
D e s c r i p t io n . r p H E crown, hind part of the neck, back, and wings, are dulky
brown . fecondaries white : cheeks and throat the fame; the
fird: marked with a few brown ftreaks: under fide of the neck
P l a c e .
bright ferruginous : belly white: legs dulky.
This fpecies was fent to Mr. Pennant from Copenhagen, and
fuppofed to inhabit Denmark or Norway; it is alfo found, though
very rarely, towards the Cafpian Sea. That mentioned by Buf-
fon was feventeen inches in length ; had the bread: mottled with
ferruginous; and a white fpot on the quills: in other things it
exactly coincided with the above defcription.
La Grebe de l’lfle de St. Thomas, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 58. 8.
Le Grebe Duc*laart, Buf. Oif. viii. p. 240.
C I Z E of a fmall Fowl. Bill one inch long, black, with a pale tip :
^ irides white: the head and upper parts are dull brown: between
the bill and eye is a white fpot: the under parts are white, except a
large fpot of black on the bread: ; and the belly, fides, and thighs,
fpotted with grey : the wing coverts are pale rufous : legs dulky.
This inhabits the ifle of St. Thomas, and is called Duc-laart.
Le Grebe de la Louifiane, Buf. Oif. viii. p. 240.— PL Enl. 943.
• Louifiane Grebe, Artt. Zool. N° 419*
n p H E bill in this fpecies is flightly bent at the point: the upper
“*■ parts of the head and body deep brown: fides of the neck
and body, quite to the rump, ruft-coloured | middle of the
bread: dulky white: from the bafe of the neck to the thighs,
marked with large tranfverfe black fpots ’• legs dulky.
Inhabits Louifiane.
Colymbus auritus, Lin. Syft. i. p. 223. 8. y .— Faun. Suit. p. 184.— Frifcb.
t. 184.
La Grebe de la riviere, ou le Caftagneux, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 59. 9- Buf.
Oif. viii. p. 244. pi. 20— PL Enl. 905.
Didapper, Dipper, Dobchick, &c. Raii Sjn. p. 125. A. 3. Will. Orn.
p. 340. pi. 61.
Little Grebe, Br. Zool. N° 226.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
T E N G T H ten inches: breadth dxteen : weight fix ounces
■ *-' and a half. Bill not quite an inch long, and reddilh brown :
irides reddilh hazel: all the upper parts * of the head, neck, and
• T h e colour on the upper parts in feme varieties is almoft black; fee La
Grebe de Riviere noiraftre, Brif, Orn. vi. p. 62. A.
VOL. III. P P bod5r>
D e s c r i p t io n ,
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n .
Pla ce .
D escription.