P R E F A C E .
TH E contents of the prefent volume, added to thofe of the
former ones, will, it is to be hoped, make good the pro-
rnife made in the firft, viz. the giving « a concife account of all
the Birds hitherto known to attain the knowledge of which,
every affiftance has been given to me by my various friends, and
no trifling labour bellowed by myfelf.
Enough has been mentioned, in a former Preface, of the nature
-of this undertaking, which will occafion very little to be added m
the prefent ; a few things, however, feem neceffary to be here
mentioned, which are briefly the following.
The Reader will remark the occa'fional references made to the
■ Britijh Mufeum, as well as to that of Sir Ajhlon Lever .-— but it
muft be obferved, that fuch references could relate to thofe Birds
only which were found there refpeftively at the time when each
Genus was penned ; and will account for feveral others, now feen
in thofe repofitories, not to be foundin this work, which at firft
fight might appear to have been overlooked, though in reality
•occafioned merely by the additions made to each, fince the particular
parts were written.
Thofe found in the private colleftions of feveral of my friends
have been referred to in their places; but, in refpedt to thofe in
my own poffeffion, it is neceffary here to remark, that fuch are
V ol. III. a meant