
Place. This is pretty common about the fait lakes of the province of
Dauria, in fpring. It is gregarious, and often found in company
with other fpecies.
8 Tringa pulilla, Lin. Syfl. i. p. 252. 20.
La petite Alouette de Mer de St. Domingiie, Brif. Ortt. v. p. 222. pi. 25.
fig. 2.
Little Sandpiper, Br. Zool. ii. N" 207.—‘-Gen. Birds, p. 65. pi. Iz.-~Arti.
Zool. N“ 357.
g I Z E of a Hedge Sparrow: length five inches and eight lines.
Bill brown, with a black tip : the head and all the upper parts
brown, edged with black and pale rufty brown: greater wing coverts
and all the quills dulky, tipped with white: tail dulky'
breafi and belly white : legs black.
This bird is found in England, though not very frequent. The
Britijb Zoology mentions one having been lhot near Cambridge in
It is alfo met with in St. Domingo, but differs in the white on
the under parts being tinged with rufous j the three outer tail
feathers having white fhafts j and the rump a little mottled.
Our circumnavigators found it in Nootka Sound. It is likewife
met with in the northern parts of Europe ; and is both in Iceland
and Greenland.
Tringa Alpina, Lin. Syji. i. p. 429. 11.—Faun. Sure. N8 1S1 .— Brnn.
N° 167 ? 173.— Mullert 197.— Frifcb. t. 241.—Faun* Groenl. N° 77.
La Becafline d’Angleterre, Sri/, Orn. v. p. 309. 5.
La Brunette, Buf. Oif. vii. p. 493.
Dunlin, Raii Syu. p. 109. A. 12.— Will. Orn. p. 30c.— Br* Zool. ii. N° 203.
— Arft* Zool. N° 391.
Br. Mu/. Lev.. Mu/.
g I Z E o f the Jack Snipe. Bill black, rather fwelling out at the
end: the upper parts of the plumage ferruginous, marked with
large fpots of black, and a little white : wing coverts brownifh
alh-colour: throat, fore part of the neck, and breafi:, white,
ftreaked with dufky: belly, thighs, and vent, white j the firft
irregularly marked with black in the middle: the tail has the
two middle feathers brown, marked with rufous ; the others very
pale brown : legs black : toes divided to their origin.
This fpecies inhabits the northern parts of England: has been
met with on the Torkjhire coaft, and on the lhores of Flintjhire,
both in May and AuguJl*. Said to lay four dirty white eggs,
blotched with brown round the thicker end 5 with a few lefifer
ones at the fmaller. It is alfo found in Greenland, Iceland, Scandinavia,
the alps of Sibiria; and in its migration the coafts of
the Cajpian Sea. -
# Br. Zool.
Place and
VOL. III. B b Tringa