G e n its LXIV. U M B R E .
D escrip tion.
N° i . Tufted Umbre.
BI L L ftrong, thick, comprefied, the upper mandible appearing
to be compofed of feveral pieces.
Noftrils linear, and placed obliquely.
Toes divided, furnilhed with a flight membrane at the bafe.
L’Ombrette, Rrif. Orn. v. p. 503.— Ruf, Oif. vii. p. 440. •
— du Senegal, PI. Enl. 796.
The Umbre, Bro wn, lllufir. p. 90. pi. 35.
C I Z E o f a Crow; length twenty inches. The bill is three
inches and a half in length, and comprefied on the lides;
along each fide of the upper mandible is a furrow, running
lengthwife, about one-eighth of an inch from the ridge, beginning
at the bafe, and finilhing about half an inch before it comes to
the point of the bill, which is fomewhat bent downwards ; at the
bafe of it are the noftrils, which are a mere flit, placed at a iharp
angle with the furrow, and about half an inch in length ; the
under mandible is lefs deep at the bafe than the upper, grows
fmaller towards the end, is there a little truncated, and when
clofed, Ihuts in beneath the upper one j the colour of both
brown: from the hind head fprings a creft of loofe feathers*
exceeding full, and four inches in length 3 this, as well as the