Le Butor roux, Bri/, Orn. v. p. 458. 29.—Buf. Oif vii. p. 425.
Ardeas ftellaris tertium genus Aldrov. Raii Syn• p. 100. 12.
Aldrovandus’s 3d fort of Speckled Heron, Will. Orn. p. 283.
Quoimeau, Salerne Orn. p. 315.
D escrip tion. T R I F L E bigger than the Swabian Bittern. Bill blackifti,
horn-coloured beneath: irides yellow: crown of the head
black ; the red of the head, throat, and neck, ferruginous: back,
P l a c e .
fcapulars, and rump, blackilh: from the bread to thé vent pale rufous
: wing coverts ferruginous and white, mixed: greater quills
blackilh, the lefler ones ferruginous: tail blackilh : legs brown.
This is faid to inhabit the neighbourhood of Bologna. Salerne
thinks it may probably prove the bird called Quoimeau, which is
not unfrequent about Sologne in France, This defeription was
from a young bird; and, if fo, it is fcarcely clear whether it was a
didinft lpecies or not.
SWABIANS. Le petit Butor, Brif Orn. v. p. 452. 26.— Buf. Oif vii. p. 423. .
D e scrip tion, t p H I S is much lefs than the common Bittern. The iride-s
whitiih : bare fpace between the bill and eye yellow: the
head, and upper part of the neck, bread, belly, fides, rump,
and tail coverts, are rufous, driated with brown : the back" is
much the fame; but the Arias are broader, and more numerous :
P l a c e .
throat and fore part of the neck white : upper part of the thighs
brownilh white: quills pale brown, crofted with bars of deeper
brown : tail whitiih : legs pale yellow.
Inhabits the banks of the Danube.
Le Butor rayé, Brif. Or», v. p. 454. 27.
.----------- brun rayé, Bif. OiJ. vii. p. 424.
Q I Z E of the lad. Bill brown, yellowilh beneath : lore naked
® and yellow : all the upper parts of the body, the belly,
and vent, eroded with lines of brown, black, and pale rufous,
mixed irregularly, fo as at a diltance to appear wholly brown:
the fore part of the neck and bread are whitiih : legs and claws
Found on the banks of the Danube, with the laft.
Le petit Butor de Cayenne, Buf. Oif. vii. p. 430.— PI, Enl. 763.
T ENGTH thirteen inches. Bill brown; under mandible pale:
lore blueilh : the whole plumage is of a yellowifh or rufous
grey, crofted with narrow ftreaks of black brown; thele are pretty
regular on the back, but elfewhere undulated, and in a zigzag
manner: the top of the head is black, and the feathers on the
neck exceeding full, fo as to appear nearly of the fame fize as
the body : the fore part of the neck is paled, and has fewer
brown markings than the upper part: and the belly and thighs
have only a few irregular zigzags : the legs are yellow.
This is a mod beautiful fpecies, and is found at Cayenne.
2 1.
D e s c r i p t io n »
P l a c e »
D e s c r i p t io n *
P la c b ,
Arde a.