sfäzrfcm co. //a/fanu,
I 249 ]
G e n u s LXXV.
N° i. Crake G.
V a r . A.
V a r . B.
2. Carthagena G.
3. Cayenne G.
4. Black-bellied G.
5. Madras G.
6. Purple G.
7. Martinico G.
8. Favourite G.
9. Crowing G.
10. Black-headed G.
11. Green G.
12. Common G.
G A L L I N U L E ,
N0 13. Red-tailed G.
V a r . A.
V a r . B.
.14. Brown G.
V a r . A.
15. Yellow-breafted G.
16. Soree G.
17. Grinetta G.
18. Spotted G.
19. Speckled G.
ao. Yellow-legged G.
21. Piping G.
22. Crefted G.
T H E bill is thick at the bafe, and dopes to the point: the
bafe of the upper mandible reaching far upon the forehead,
where it becomes membranaceous.
. Body compreffed.
Wings fhort and concave.
Tail Ihort.
Toes divided to their origin.
V OL. III. K k Kallus