
P la ce . *
D e s c r i p t io n .
Pl a c e .
tips of the tail feathers are alfo marked with black : legs faffron-
colour: claws black, and much bent, except the hinder one.
This bird inhabits Ruffia, about the River Don, coming thereto
from the Black Sea, and Arabia*-, but does not ftray farmland'.
It builds in trees. It feems a mere variety of the Sguacco, if not
differing in fex. Scopoli obferves, that at a certain time of the
year it emits an agreeable fmell.
Ardea ferruginea, N. C. Petr. xv. p. 456. t. 16.
L E N G T H twenty-one inches and a half. Bill ftrait, fharpj
the bafe greenilh flelh-colour, the end brownilh; the upper
mandible fomewhat bent at the tip : between that and the
eyes, and over them, naked and green: irides faffron-colour:
feathers o f the head, neck, and back, longifh, black tipped
with ferruginous; thofe on the crown fomewhat elongated: chin
yellowifh white: wing coverts black brown; the outer ones have
ferruginous tips; thofe neareft the body varied with rufous and
white : quills black: rump, breaft, and belly variegated with ferruginous,
whitilh, cinereous, and brown; thighs, with rufous and
cinereous white : the wings, when clofed, reach a trifle beyond
the tail: legs green.
This fpecies is found about the river Don, in the fummer
only; as it is migratory, coming from the Black Sea, and departing
to it again in autumn. Feeds on fifli and infedts. Frequently
met with along with the laft fpecies.
* Dec» RuJJ'. i. 164.
Ardea pumila, N. C. Petr. xiv. p. 502. pi. 14. 1.
t E N G T H nineteen inches and a half. Bill three inches,
black, with yellow edges; the lower mandible yellowifh
white, with a dufky bafe: lore and irides yellow : head, hind
part of the neck, and lides, white; fometimes rufous white, with
dull chefnut margins and white tips: throat white; from it a
longitudinal ftripe of the fame colour paffes down the fore part
of the neck to the breaft, which with the belly is yellowifh white:
the fcapulars, leffer wing coverts, and back, are chefnut; the
other coverts mixed white and pale yellow : the two firft quills
are afh-colour on the outer webs, the reft only at the tips, ob-
fcurely fhaded with rufous and white: rump and tail white : legs
dufky : claws blackifh.
Inhabits the borders of the Cajpian Sea.
Br. Muf.
g I Z E o f the Green Heron: length to rump * one foot. Bill
two inches and a half long, and yellow: general colour of
the plumage cinnamon-colour, verging to chefnut, much paler
on the under parts : chin and vent almoft white : down the middle
of the fore part o f the neck ftreaked with brown : on each
fide of the throat, under the jaw, a fmall patch of white : legs
Inhabits China,
* The tail is wanting.
D e s c r i p t io n.
Pl a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n .