
Var. A.
La petite Grebe huppee, Brif. Orn. iii. pl. 3. fig- 2.
Colymbus nigricans, Scop. Ann. i. N° 101 ?
Afb-coloured Loon, Rail Syn. p. 124!—Will. Orn. p. 340. pl. 61 ?
Description. g O D Y the fize of a Lapwing: length eleven inches. Bill an
inch and a quarter, black : head rather full of feathers, and
elongated into two fhort tufts, one on each fide the hind head :
colour of the head, neck, and upper parts, fine brown : Tides of
the head, and fore part of the neck, white, the laft marked with
chefnut fpots; the white of the throat pafles far back below the
hind head on each fide, and under this the brown advances towards
the fore part: the breaft, belly, thighs, and fides, white ;
the laft marked with chefnut and brown fpots: wing coverts
brown; fome of thofe next the body, and part of the fecond
quills, white : legs olive brown.
This feems to partake both of the laft as well as of the following
fpecies; but we hefitate not to pronounce it the former in one
o f its progrefiive ftages towards perfeftion, as it varies much like
the crefted Jpecies at the different periods of age.
La petite Grebe, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 56. 7.—Buf. Oif. viii. p. 232.—Pl.
Enl. 942.
Black and white Dobchick, Edvo. pl. 96. fig. 1.
Dulky Grebe, Br. Zool. N° 225.—Ar£l. Zool. N° 420.
Lev. Mu/.
Description. g I Z E of a fmall Teal: length eleven inches. Bill thirteen
lines long, colour black, with the fides red : lore and irides
red : above, the upper parts of the head, neck, and body, are
dulky brown : ridge of the wing white : fecondaries tipped with
the fame: forehead, and beneath, from chin to vent, white:
breaft very gloflfy : at .the throat the white paffes backwards al-
moft to the hind head, and the brown comes forward on each
fide on the middle of the neck : on the thighs a few black fpots :
legs flelh-colour tinged with purple.
In fome birds the whole neck is alh-coloured ; and others are
fpotted between the legs with black.
This fpeoies inhabits the fens of Lincolnjhire. Mr. Edwards
mentions his having had feveral out oi the London markets, from
which place we have likewife received a fpecimen.
Eared or Horned Dobchick, Edvj. pi. 49.
Horned Grebe, Ar£l. Zool. N° 4*7’
Lev. Mu/.
C I Z E of a Teal: weight one pound: length one foot:
^ breadth fixteen inches. Bill one inch, dulky: head very full of
feathers, and of a glofiy deep green, nearly black : through each
eye a ftreak of yellow feathers, elongated into a tuft as it pafles
to the hind head : upper part of the neck and back dulky brown:
fore part of the neck and breaft dark orange red : lefier wing coverts
cinereous; the greater and quills black ; middle ones white:
belly glofiy white: legs cinereous blue before, pale behind.
Inhabits Hudfon s Bay, Firft appears in May, about the frefh
waters. Lays from two to four white eggs, in June, among the
aquatic plants ; faid to cover them when abroad. Retires fouth
in autumn j appears then at New York, flaying till fpring, when
it returns to the north. For its vaft quicknefs in diving it is
called the Water Witch• Known at Nudfon s Bay by the name of
Seekeep. *
Pl . XCI.
D escrip tion.
P lace and
M anners .