D e s c r i p t i o n .
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n .
P l a c e .
Le Crabier des Philippines, Brif. Orn. v. p. 474. 38. pi. 37. fig. 2.
Le petit Crabier, Buf. Oif. vii. p. 395.— PI. Eul. 898.
g I Z E fmall: length eleven inches. Bill greenilh yellow:
between that and the eye bare, green : the top of the head,
and all the upper parts of the neck, rufous brown, mod inclining
to brown on the head : the back is eroded with tranfverfe rufous
and brown lines : the wings black, edged with rufous white :
quills and tail black: the fore part of the neck dirty rufous
white : belly, thighs, and vent, white: legs yellow.
Inhabits the Philippine IJles.
Le Crabier, Brif. Orn. v. p. 466. 33.
Caiot, Buf. Oif. vii. p. 389.
Squaiotta, Raii Sj/n. p. 99. 9.— Will. Orn. p. 281. pi.,50.
J < E N G T H about eighteen inches. The bill three inches and
three quarters, yellow, with a black tip : between the bill
and eye, bare and yellow : it has a tuft on the head confiding
of thirty feathers, the middle one white, the outer ones black :
befides thefe, the general colour of the plumage is a fine chefnut:
the fcapulars are long and narrow, and white at the bafe: legs
Inhabits Italy, about Bologna, where it is called Squaiotta.
Le Crabier marron, Brif. Orn. v. p. 468. 34.
■----- ■ . roux, Buf. Oif. vii. p. 390.
g I Z E of a Crow. The bill four inches in length, and brown : D escription.
irides pale yellow: the head and upper,parts are chefnut: the
under parts of a dirty white: there is alfo a ftreak of pure
white down all the fore part of the neck and bread, quite tm
the belly: the wing-coverts incline to blue : the quills black:
tail chefnut * : legs red..
This is met with in Silejia; builds in high trees, and feeds Pla ce .
on filh, infedts, &c.
Le Crabier roux, Brif. Orn. v. p. 469. 35.
■ ...........................marron, Buf. Oif vii. p. 390.
Ardea hæmatopus, feu Cirris, Raii Syn. p. 99. 7.—Will.^Orn. p.
pi. so.
g I Z E of the Green Heron. Neck Ihort: bill blue and green,
with a black tip: irides yellow, incircled with red: head
creded; the colour yellow and black: throat, neck, and whole
body, faffron-colour, inclining to chefnut, paled above : tail very
Ihort: legs of a deep red, like thofe of a Pigeon : claws black.
Inhabits Italy, chiefly about Bologna.
• This colour Ihould more properly be termed rufous, as Schussencfield, who
firll mentioned it, calls it ardea rubra.— IIif. des Oif.
D e sc r ip t ion.