P l . XC.
D e s c r ip t io n .
P l a c e .
D e s c r ip t io n .
c o o t .
bowing parts, where they call it fuddle. The people eat them
on maigre days, and the flelh is much efteemed *.
La g ra n d e Foulqne a C rete, Buf. Oi/. viii. p . 122.
Foulque de Madagafcar, Pl.Enl. 797.
T H I S is larger than the greater fpecies, being eighteen
inches in length. Bill red at the bafe, and whitilh the reft
o f its length: the whole crown bare, of a deep red, and riling
into a bifid detached membrane like a creft, as in fome of the
Jacana fpecies : the whole plumage blue black : legs dulky, and
lhaped like thofe of the common fpecies.
Inhabits Madagafcar, and I make no doubt China alfo j as one
feen by me in fome Chinefe drawings anfwered to the above defe
c tion . The garter above the knee was of three colours, red,
green, and yellow ■, and the name of the bird Tzing Kye.
La Foulque du Mexique, S,if. On. vi. p. 31. 3.
Yohoa'lcoachillin, RaiiSyn, p, 117. 3,
3 , a , 6 g™ ter Co0t‘ Biu red +’ with 3 yellow tip : forchead
bare and red : head, neck, breaft, belly, thighs, under
wing and tail coverts, purple : back, rump, and wing coverts,
pale green, varied with blue and fulvous : quills pale green
Inhabits Mexico.
* SaUrn, On. p. 3S7. + fays it
V Lev.
C O O T . 27 9
Lev. Mu/*
C M A L L E R than the common Coot. Bill pale green: bare
place over the forehead fmaller than in that fpecies, and
white: plumage above dulky alh-colour; beneath the fame, but
paler : chin dulky white: down the middle of the belly the fame :
legs blue black : the membranes on each fide of the toes much-
narrower than in any other of the fpecies.
D e s c r ip t io n .
i l l
I; '
Said to inhabit North America. _ P l a c e .
G enus