•läläidMtefäi m ■
G e n u s LXVII. C U R L E W .
N“ 1. Common C. N° 6. Whimbrel.
a. Madagafcar C. 7- Bralilian Wh.
3. Luzonian C. 8. Efquimaux C.
4. Otaheite C. 9- Cape C.
5. White-headed C. 10. Pygmy C.
" O I L L long, incurvated.
U Face covered with.feathers.
Noftrils linear, longitudinal near the bafe.
Tongue fhort, fharp-pointed.
Toes conne&ed as far as the fir ft joint by a membrane.
Scolopax arquata, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 242. 3.— Faun. Suec. i6Z.-—Brun. N°158.
Muller, p. 22.— Kram. El, p. 350. s.— Frifch. t. 229.
Le Courly, Brif. Qrn. v. p. 311* 1 .——Buf. Oif, viii. p. ig.——Pl. Enl.-818.
The Curlew, Rail Syn. p. 103. A. 1.— Will. Qrn. p. 294. pi. 54.— Albin,
pi. 79.— Br, Zool. N° 176. pi. 63.— Ar3 . Zool. p. 462. A.
Br. Muf. Lev. Mu/,
► TTHE common length of this bird is two feet, but it is apt to
vary much in fize. Bill feven inches;, brown, near the end
black ; bafe of the under mandible flelh-colour : the feathers of
the head, neck, and wing coverts, pale brown, daihed down the
middle with black: round the eye, on the fore part, white: back
white,, ftreaked with black: bread: and belly white, marked
with narrow longilh lines of black : quills black, fpotted on the
6 inner