:( i 68 )
, ■ ‘W;- t Oppofite to the mountain which forms the bafe, rifes another of a
September, fimilar form, which Hopes with a more gentle- declivity, down to a
charming valley, that is formed by them, and is itfelf watered by a
pretty rivulet, abounding in fine trout.'
In the. courfe t>f this afternoon we arrived at the Impèriab palace of
- -Callachottueng, where we had the misfortune to' 36fe- Jeremiah Reid,
=Qps ó f the royal artillery, who died o f the'bloody flux, With which he
had been affii&ed but a very few days. Several men belonging'to the
military detachments were attacked with the fame .complaint«. if
Thurfdayi*. This morning; at ,one o’clock, the body n fth e deceafed foldfer was
removed to the next village,' to remain there till^our arrival,, to: receive
the interment w hich'wasduétohim. This meafure Was fu.ggefte4'sby
the mandarin, who exprefled great apprehenfion left the cireurtiftanoe
ftiould- reach the Emperor, £iid awaken his alarm refpetting any contagious
At fix o’clock the: enoferfy continued its, route, agd? at ,the yJI-
lage of Quaïigchim,' where it flopped.to breakfaff, the body: bf-dur
deceafed companion was interred with military honours. -
In the courfe o f this morning intelligence was received by thie man-
darin, Van-Tadge-In, that his Imperial Majefty had left Jehol, on his
return to Pekin : he, therefore, requefted the Amibaffadfr^and h^tKin
t a exert themfelVes in making two ftage§ wkhouf halting, that the
palaces might be left to receive the attendants o f the Emperor.
In confequenele -of this unexpected requifition, we arrived, dfteir a
very fatiguing journey, at the town bf WaUngthahyeng, in the vicinity
o f the great wall, o f which ftupendous object I took aftdthef and;a lafl
view i but without any novelty o f impreflion,- or the acquifition o f an
additional circumftance concerning it. ’
| ( ^ 9. I
At a very early hom' we con^nued our routp ; the air was cold and., *793;- ,
piercing, iand we Ijreakfaffed at a place called^Caungchumfau; after September,
which we paffed^^odigious' number o f parts, containing the Em-
pérorjs baggage. Arrived at three o-lclock at Cuba£puqo,,asthe flation
of thei.day.
We proceeded on our journey at four in the morning, by the alfifl-. Tuefday 24.
anoe of a . veryihr-ight moon, and took dim'firfl. meal, at the-town o f
Chanchini- oumfecond r-ègalè\was taken at Mecucang, and we then
proceededito WBiazow, thejaft ftage. ©£ the day.
Breakfaft was this, morning provided-for the embafiy in. die bam- Wednef-
yard ofla fmall wlageVand the jqurp^ipfithe day was finilhed at
Nanihriheci There I- Was fürprizêd by the fight o f feveral fields o f
turnips -of an excellent quality..
This day finifiiód oiir .returning journey from-Tartarv. which, as »Thnrfdayaö.
it->waS- by-the- fame foute that conducted us thither, and offered no
novelty that, deferved attentiqrr, I have difpatched, with little more
than thenrundSjof thofe places where we flopped for refrelhment, or -
repofe. i -After a breakfaft _at Chingpho, which we. found lefs plentiful -
than on. former oécafionsy. we arrived .early in,, the afternoon at- Pekin,
and proceeded to the palace of the Britilh Ambaflador.
Hjs Excellency employed a great part p£ this morning in examining Friday 27-.
thé feveral arrangements which had been made in the palace during
' bil abfence; the whole o f which was favoured with his approbation.
The gentlemen" o f the fuite alfo received their particular baggage in
their refpeétive apartments, and the final adjustment and diftribution
p f the different parts of the palace was fettled. .
«..In the principal room of. the Ambaffador’s apartments, the ftate.
canopy, brought from England, was immediately put up. It was -
n?ade o j flowered crimfon fatin, with feftopns and curtains, enriched.
h with