I g j I
1793'. a therefore, efleatial, by ,a. conduct particularly regular -and ;cireumfpe&,
Septf£ber.’ to, imprefs them, with new,Smore ju ft, and more favourable ideas ..qf
Eno-lillimen; -and. to.fhew that, even to the lowed: officer, in the fea qr
• land fervice, pr in the givilline, they are .capable of maintaining, by
exarpple and by difcipline, ..due order, iobricty, and fuhordination,
among their refpe<ftive inferiors. Though -the people in China have
not the fmalleft ffiare in the government, yet it is a maxim invariably
purfued by their fuperiors, .to fupport the meaneft Chinefe in ,any
difference >vith a ftranger,. and if the occafion ihoidd happen, to ayengg
his.hlqodj of which, indeed, tb p re^ s a fatal inftapce, no|jqog sfmc,e
. at Canton, where the gunner of an Engliflr veflel,. who had been
very innocently the caufe ofithe death of a native pcaiant, was executed
for it, notwithftanding the utmoft united .efforts on -the part p jt fie
feveral European factories .at. Cantop tc&^^himj peculiar caution 'and
mildnefs muff conlequ^ntly be obferved im-every fort .of intercoyjfe o'r
accidental meeting with any the’ pooreft individual o f the covTntfy .
“ His Excellency, who well knows that he need not recommend th
Sir Erafmus Gower to .make whatever regulations pmdenpe may dictate
pn ffie occafion; for the perfqns’ under his immediate command,
as* her Hopes Capt/Mackintoffi'-wdi do tor’ thg oncers and
Hindoftan, trufts alfo that the propriety and neceffity of fp ch j:e^ k x
tions, calculated to preferve the credit of'the Englifti name,^and'the
intereft o f the mother country in thefe remote--parts, ^yilMnfuig a
ifeady and' cheerful obediencg,
“ The fame motives, he, flatters'himfelfi will operatel^wife'upon
aH the perfons iramediatelj connected with, orjnjthe fe^lc^m' t|^
embafly, ‘ *' .. ■ , iU \ :r
w ^ ic^ caienry declares fhatlie ftikll be .ready to encourage, api,to
report.5 favourably hereupon the good* cohdudf of jhofe who fhall bp.
fpimd to 'deferve it^ fo he w ill think ithis duty, in cafe pC©iiCptp.iiu,(3:
,pr difobedience o^ urders, to report the fame with ecpual exadtnefs,
p i
r ( i ~ ' l S 9 j
and to fufpend or difmifs tranfgreffors, tas this pccafiota may require.
$ o r T. rf^offehce, fliouldi be offered to a Chinefe,5-or a mifdepaeanor^4# s;|lepi*“ beF.
any kind Bbicbmmiftcd-, wBichmay be puffifh$6i^by their.laws,
he deem hitnfelf jMmhd;to interfereifca; thEc.^urpofeofi-endeavouringjo
Ward off br*hutig4^‘their, fevernty.
“ Hi?',E3^^y4ey,)T^esohJ6<iejitenant-C61onerBenfoh;commtedant^
hki guards, that he will have a ffir^P’a©^i#a.teh®il|eye5,ovef them -;.
vigilance,, ^s^fo, their, penf®d^),dehteahpTj is av re^uifite m-.rfchb' prefecta
■Gircumffar^eSjJ as lif'ls,h th q u ^ |frn ip 7ldther)naiqtives.,; in. regard tostheg
coridudt. o£ an enemy aid thne of.war’. The guard dre eon be kept’ con-
ffahtly, together, and jegula|ly exergifedimalhmilitary- evolutions; nor "
are ally o f them to ab'fen t'themfelVes;; from on boafdcfhipJh .'ofc; from ■
whateyer.glace may be a!la^t.Sd',them for 'ffieir-dwelhngu.ri’ihafe, without;
l6ave from his Excellency, or |^bm?uaivtj'ihg,offi( ■
mechanics,, or feryant^, are tqflea.ve the ffiip,.or ufual dwel^gfehlhote’, -
without leave.ffp'fri'himfelf,, or.from Mr, Maxwelfi; -abd? his Excellency,
experts, that the.gentlemdi :jn, his- train, w fill-,^ ^ fhe, example
of !fuhdq|inatioh,. by. communicating, tlreirvwifhes J03him., befej^e, they
g o ,|p l any&iicafiog, Trpm’dhg'fbap;'
“ No hcpces^qr packages, - of any»kind, are;to be yemoVed fisom the :
ffi-ip,, or,'•■.afterwards, #frqnji;. the ..plkcpl-\Wfr%they/ihal']S fbe;hroughtiiOia ■ i
ffioic,,witIpo ut ffh q ' A-mbailad o rJs -leavpj, ,Orj S w3iib^ni'®EdehfrQTaa^ M r , .
'ifarro’K'Cthp..comptroller^,-fugh.prdIer./de-fcribipg..the, natqrs,- number,,
andhinuJifqn.s,offfuch packagesT irij
“ His Excellency, in the moil eameff manner,„ reqneffs.thatitiQ ’ppnf -
i oiw^hate^er^hflbn®ng ■ to the|TfhipS:’\'b© -mffSred^', and ’K'e- 'defi®^ that
none o f pis fijite, guard, mechanics;.;-.,.01; fervant'-,. pmfuthe to offet for
fide, or propofe to purchafe, in the way of traffic, - the fmalleft article • ,
of ’merchandize of any kind, or under any pretence-whatever; without
leave from him previoufly obtained.; • The neceffity o f avoiding; the
leaf! appearance of traffic accompanying an embafly to Pekin was