pfötfigiaais crowd e f pfecipfo haè aflerabled tb" fee fpsdatoi* -ö£'.ir„
They AênpïOcOödedfb the palace o f the Vkettsyv said paffed through
# toga haft Mxku with földiefs raider tatat, and eidivienod■ -■ by thè
fetóad of, fitórfkl' mtiftc, to the- flare apartments. Hert; the
pdny ioörainod föff&me tta e , whea Lord Macartney and Sir George
SffiiötGöi Were Goftduiled to die Vieerey*s fotocéacih £$Sir .■ Erafmus
Gowèr soft Capt. Mackintosh werev placed ia a fecond; and the
whole Britifh fuite höing accommodated; with carriages, the cavalcade-
fet off, efcorted by a troop o f light cavalry, to the houfe appointed foar
Lord Macartney’s reception, which is about two miltes from the ’“City t
the Atabaffador receiving, as hè palled, every honour due to the high
Ghafaélêr with which, he was mvefleck- Ac taptein’s guard, appointed
by the Viceroy/ waO alfo drawn tip irt d s f e a t pLthehneafb* when
received tfe Britifh vifitörs with edlotee flying: land sruflo playing*
and every military diftinétioii. Thus concluded the oereimoBy o f tha
Antibaflkdor’s reception af Rio Janeiro.
It would not only he tedious, but altogether tmneceffary, to men-»-
tion the common daily occupences during our flay, at the Brazils/;
I fhfffi, Ihetefölè, confine myffelf to g e th er tot faGhi dficuEdMic^i* f&
finnrr fflefr hóVet^-aïid kfipöjpffiiéö öiay- intérafir the aadsd/’ A d - re/
Ward, in feme degree, the attention,, df tlie readei;.. _
Lord Macartney, with his whole fuite, paid a vifit o f ^ceremony to»
the Viceroy^ dpdwVas received with' every-mark,of attention' ianftdre»-
fpteét. The gentlemen who attended ori theoec&fion, afterwards,
dined with his Lordfhip; and, in the evening, Vifitèd the public-
garden Of the p la c e th is garden is about half amile in length, and
half that fpace in breadth; it is furrounded by a.ftrong high wall, and
guarded at the entrance by a party o f foldicrs. The interior d-ifpofitiom'
confifts o f large grafs-plots and gravel walks, agreeably fbadëd with,
trees, and perfumed with flowers. "In the center is'a large bafon o f
water, and a great number of lamps are placed between the trees,' on
each fide Of the walks, for the purpofe ó f illumination. At one end
3 | i ■ I - S B I •- ■ ""of
C *9 )
« f itfee^garde® is-a large &u-flc|ii|g "for jb^hs :gnd qstufic; bjit, las the w *
ieafon.tofi anjuifement at .this place Wfts gaffed .wljcp -*ye were (there, December.
me bie'.uontej}#; wijh gi^ing'-a d^{pr}pfion|pfi;t-lj.e<fpo^ y/fihpUjt
jfee^kimgfeaf Ifebe diweffions'^p, which, at certain feafons o f the year,
it is applied, «as We dojibjt not, -to -the recreation o f .the mhabitants.
AH poflible preparation ’was made in the long gallery and great Tutfday n.l
yooaaij ofifeord Sy^tearteey’s bQnfcotoi3e£eiy& the Vkcsby,{ wh® had giv^n
notice of} his.intentidd'fo is^jElRjtke/jAnifeafisidtir^wifit In itfee-morning
oaf ibis day. A t /ten o’.e lg^ ^ ^ r jEkafmns .G o^ r , with -the Officers
from, the Lion, (faffed in .their" befit uniforms, as .weftl,as Capt.
Mtehkihiffli^- with the jofEaers, lofithe .Hindoifen, same jondhorei®
^ttendr jthe ceremony, .
d fc VagejOyfd
•'dtfehaige -of .-autillery from the gaijrifQns Mhen the guard, ;ap-
poihted by the- VsqeBoy. to;0.ttend,'the .Britifh AmbsSkdor, infinedia^cly
paraded invfront .®fi the houfe y: and, -in .about; half .an tbour, .the Viceroy' '
iuiisvedvin grand Iprooeifisn, .preceded.^and .fiafigwed iby a ;fi^uadron
o f horfe, and attendpi-'byfall the principal c^cjers^and iperfgns <&f .dijf-
tintfion injthe^oity^ Mis iE-xodlency was. received at^hevdoor o f ,the
Houle1 by Lord- Macartney, and icondudied to a-fbfa at the Upper end
-©f the-'heft-apartment. Sir George ’ Stauriton ;then j 3refented .all the
gentlemen attailhted^o /hOienibajfly^ *aoGording to^their -refpe<9ive rank,
*-o;-'the' ViteferOy% '<who‘, dfter ipartaking ®f a very elegant repaft prepared
fbr'Hirn and^hkveompany, -returned an .the fame fiaem, and with the
fame ceremonies, as diftinguilhed Ms .artival.
The-drefs ©f the: Viceroy-was. fcarlet cloth, very much enriched
■ with gold, .et©hr®ideiy/ und'- piifcicias ■ ftones ; .his attendants wore la
fpltedid liveryiof green and goldy.'apdihe had feveral :black. running
footmen,- who weretdrefied in fancy »uniforms, with large turhans. on ,
-theif heads, andslong’febxes'byi their jfides.,
D 1 Th is