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' C H A P . I p H
Lord Macartney receives notice, that it isiheSm pefbr’ s pteafure to re-
I jr|%)£r the embqjjy at the Imperial xpefidence in Tart ary. TMyperfons
- feleHed to attend the Ambdjf'ador in h?s pdo^reJsWttMrf-The particular
occupations aligned ton thpfe vdho werelejfi at Pekin. Arrangements
fo r the journey itrto Taft ary. Leave P ekin j circumfiances o f
jibe journey.
TH E Am b a flad o r received a vifit this morning from the mandarin
Van-Tadge-In, who informed his Excellency, that the meifenger who
had heen fent to know his Imperial Maje^y.’s pleafure , refpedling, ;the
Britifli embafly, was returned, and that the Emperor .dkfir^ftibe. Am.
baflador to proceed to Tartary, where' .he-wilhed to fee him, and to
.receive his credentials.
Thurfday»9» This morning^ithe final arrangements Were, made rqfpefting,that-pa'rt
► of the fuite who. were to accompany jh e embafly into^Tartary, ,Th^y
-confided o f . .
SirrQe<3£&e Staunton,
► Mr . Staunton, |£k
Lieutpnant-Colonel Benfon, ;
Captain Mackintosh, o f the fjindoilan,
Lieutenant Parifh,
Lieutenant Crewe,
Mr. Winder,
Mr. Plumb, .the interpreter,
Mr. Baring, and,
M r. Huttner. ~ • >
day 28.
( >
Mir. Maxwell remained;, a t‘Pekinwith.three fervants, in order to jj^g.
^ettfe -the -houfeb'oldf o f ' :the. Amhaflador, as, ondiis return- from Tar- v 'Auvu£
fary, it was intended that his^ effcablffhment ► and appearance Should be,
in eveiyi'.refp'edtfuiied, .t<udfe .charader and - dignit^ o f the fovereign
.whoferreprefentaitive he
J&o&or. Scott wa&.alfo.to.jhe left, in .orderte; take, caE^.qf; feverali’of
•thqdcddiers and; fervants, -^h.Q;,Wereä at .Ais. time, ve.ry. much afflided
with the »hkspdyiflüx.
■ *EMr.-Ha©key andi-Mr^AIe^andgr iwere to ■ '■ be.enjplg^qd, si^preparing
the. portrait s p f their Britannic Ms^f^es^w.hich?iwtiA,tbe ftate^fyopy,
? fere ^ ^pMthe appropriate furniture of the prefenee* chamherofthe
- ’ Dödtör?Diifwiddtes and1 'Mr. iBarrojv?iWere tDeregulate■< *thp Jprefents
-that' Mdlbeetaiileft at theäpalace o f {Xeumen-manyeumeny anfjr.toj'put
fhdntim a' üät^tferbo preferitedf toiÄ'fe tEmperor, .oiKt^©i-AmbaffadorJs
retürni-ShiPekih*. - *
■*’Tf®R^gUardsi, nfufieiaits,- and fervants |receivedprlier^c^hdld .fhem-
ffel$PS irÄeadine^,''.M^föt><‘£?üt- oh Monday doming,A-with,no( other bags?
-gage bnt thur* bedding, and Eifch1 nctcffmcs as,- \kese1 ahfoiwilyiyi n-
; ®fejgentlemen öf the fuite were likewise requefteeEtoscdntent- them-
^elves^^hp&ef-uniforA'-of'tBe'eäiib^^r, a.-cernmöri and
fuch Other kracfe^a^they-'might-jüd^§»'ldJ%£‘f ahfblütely neceffary.for
their oi^'iCöm'fort,fJkhd‘,the'formality*'of theMecafi'iln.V"'
Mri MaxWell Mfcei-ved orders' tb ‘diftrill^ftdieach'of rhe muficians
and-ferv^fe. a'füit o f ’thefeate liveries, m ,order*!hat th^latfehdants y
mighf appear in that' hhifofm drefs, wKfchs would add to dignity v
and fplendor of the Ambaifador’s entiance intbi-Jeholv
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