( ® >
hé”'|etó ' w tftë MIotc ^föéè'j 'ffrr&r, ffejtófötó, it fottùtfijtfe - "clfouffl*
.flârice for iis that We {jfoVffferttiyïrt'oügh.t Oitf coté afid-hatrfînoeks
from prf 'board thé fllijis, örwe {horcdd not Save flépi in- à bed, àt letó
during oü'r. rendericë ift Chmà.; Thé •mtflSfês.ha.vó: hp fock comforta-
tóe’ arficie oÇ fürhïWré irr fheïr Kdtóêti but lïéèp cW à kind o f ïriâtfrefs,
..and. covëf theffiftiveqWi'f H a Æirihioar ffuffed and qbilted' Mfb. dóftóïi.
They pull off arm tf irîiaÔ •paft fff rhéfr dfefs whéft they g ó tü reft, and
they iftéréafe thè number étèCc
,£ufliions. as the ckcUïïiftaiites üf thé feaforf fhay require. In thè p-Keé?
o f bedfteadstóey ufe a -large wooden bench, which is raifed4about two
fèet fhbm tfegrotaid, ànd covered with a kind’o f daftic bafkef wbrk
made o f .bàmBôoS, ôir which feven or eight perföns lhay fpread their
Seddhig. - Î have alfo ifeen fotee o f them formed óf planks* and covered
$dth'<Wrpët's., 1
jThis habitation had a tfioft ungracious and deferred appearance ;
iand, from, the fîaïe m which' wd found it, a long’ time muff havd
•elapfed .knee it was inhabited by any thing but cenfipes, fcorpröns,
and mufquctos, which infeflëd if inévety part. It is fufrtmnded by a
wery high and ftrong wall o f ffóiiei which eX‘cludedr 'èfefy external
ohjedt ; hot was any perfon belonging to the embafly permitted j où
-any pretence whatever, to pafs its boundaries, mandarins” and foldreRs
being ffationed at every avenue to keep us within the predriéts o f this
miferable abode ; fo that we were in reahty in a ftate o f honourable
imprifonmcnt, without àny other confofetioft for the lófs ó f our liberty,
but that we were fuppiied with our. daily provilkwreat theexperffe ®f
tóe Emperor,
"The Ambaffador’s apartments were guarded feöfh night and dhy by
Jhitilh centinels ; and, to iupporf 'thé dignity of'his great diplomatic
.character, his Excellency required, fhat-â table ffrould’ be, in future,
fumifhed for himfelf and Sir George and Mr. Staunton, diftindk from
tóe gentlemen óf'his'"' fuitë". This requifttron, found a Wady compliance,
md 'fnîs ^aT'heMiaed in his dwrr apartment, while the uppe*1
C M 3. i
ranks ofthofe whd attended tonJ the emjjall^ had a;|fe|>l^^»t,ep_ared for- ” ■
them in orfemf the (rourtsv^and.bqp^h fthg foade^C^tydg.^^^ .
The, place,where’ *he^||pfent«^er^dep<^£te4, was, fo^e^sp^fed to, jthg Friday z3.
fon ,, that it Wa^ap-Ptehgijded w®dld} reqeiy^cQpjS^^fable
inW $F8,myheir unfavgiw^bh; hf^tian ^ ajtemporaryv Ae^ef°
m,^mediately^re^ted, • to>;')V|ii ch*; ^eyyg^^pse^i lyj ^empyed
, ;.Eord>;- Maoartney-j-teng jv^yj^uc^diffa^^ed^ with his fitii^tiop ' 1
ma<lc- s,’ e'quilltioh'' ffer’ thea^p^ihtment o f a rtfidence^pipre
fuitcd J^|tlic charadler' \\ith whlcli Ik- mxcflcd, as well ais'tS^'s
^/eonvsm?nce,!ajad .p^pefrlccdra® option '^th§,©mbaily.,"
'ffo s JOrPekin: lktieM'Abr^r,§vOjQffi^ed-;wdrthy ofa reiiihaliikir.i.n^fiip
re^aindkjh| ;our, ftays in^this uni oipfortablc abiqde. Itfcqptijnucd*
•howeyeij/ tiU," the tw^ty-fe^enth ,cky, of this j foopth, w h ^ r g a f f a p ,
^ioimed< for^the^i^bahad^’^'dp^j^qre Pekin j* a mi»e|)c"e^i^(^"
do®^ r^ieny&.hayjng been allotted ifar, the embagy/ ihSifeqjUeQ^of
Mr. Plumb’s negotiation with \he CHinefe' go%5 rhment dtvAb occa-
fion.\ •;
i . 'TMs interval; was not-pajfed, ■ hj any o f % g4ntlemen,,of the fuite,
M>r t'hefiinfertofiiattendants, with Tafas^diQn^oj^p;it]t'ncLand-Cel,
| S | | wA O p t and mortihed-a^being.cknied thé dibetty o f pallïtig
the walls |^t^ e palace,'tha|/ he mX4^ an attempt ^
!^'adm§'^.Wi|1^hr^rqduc^i(ja;very unple^l^t^afff^y, wh^.JieWas,'nqq
.onlyffo^d ,;l^ck ffoip. pis défini, bn|tt^aten,qd^\ id C v ^ illiberal
.Sreatment^from the’ Chinefe whpj WererOn1. qjuty at^fhe gatjes^
-.-.’Several other di%ute$.5»p^. a firuflar nature -^3®k| J ^ lh '^ w e ^ h e
fuite and the native^ svha guarded’the palace, '7 t|WsT withouddouMp
a ,$Sïy humiliating cirèumftançe ^of /^.endihg ^ fo as
kth ey^ ^ e umn tp tj by.t.He law ^f' tlpe
xuoff enlarged and, pniyerfal privf^ges, toj be ft^^ted in a mapner
f m / 1, " I ■ fo