| 2 )
179a. A leak was repaired that had fp rung in the fide o f the Lion.
Sunday 30. . We rpade laftd at an early hour ©f tBj.s morning > and at eight
Oftober 10. law the Pefejft£r-s Jfiapd ^ t h e .^ f j a n g g | b p i^ fppr .jeagpps; .and'
the ifland o f Porto Santo at the diftance o f about-three leagues .feMELefe
iflands are fubjedt to the crown o f Portugal^ and^oMb.-a part o f the
Madeiras : the latter o f them Is chiefly appropriated as a' • plaee^df
exile for thofe who commit any petty depredations on the ifland. o f
Madeira. If; is abijtjt ^ ^ piles J^e^guj|if^^c^ and very mountainous
: it contains no harbours but has ajarge hay wherein fliips
may be tolerably fecure, except’ when the'"wind’ bloWsjfrom the fouth-
Wefl:; and is frequented by fndiaraen bufWard afitT homeward b&hhi%.
The ifland produces com, but in no great quantify; it has atfdjpaf-
turage fbr cattle ; and its thickets fyrnjfh ^belter for .wild Boars. The
inhabitants, who ate few in number, are fubjedt to the-government
o f Madeira» The De&rt, or fjeferter’s Ifland, is.an inconfidciable
barren rock, and ferves alfo as a prifon for criminalsN who are there
ob%ed to pay the penance o f their offences by.variQt&'kipds o f lah/ayr. *
- x - " i r' ^ ’ <1. / ' *
’^burWayn. W e arrived in-Funchal Bay, in the ifland o f a§d? anchored
in forty-four fathom water; the town o f Funchal being to the
N. N . E. about-a mile. -
-Tricfey 1». After breakfaft, Lieutenant Campbell wais fent on fliore to the
governor o f the Madeiras, to notify the arrival o f Lord Macartney j
and, on .the return of that officer, the Lion faluted the garrifon with
thirteen guns, which was immediately returned. The Britifli.Cqnfii];
then came op hoard» attended by feyetal Engjifti gentleman, among
• whom were the moft refpedtable merchants oftbpplace., to ,P.ay their
‘ tefpedts ip the Ambafiador, and to invite him affidrd.
His Lordihip having accepted q f the invitation, tbfefiiip’s copjp^py
were ordered, t©gpt themfely<|s clean dreiTed in white apd
trowfers as preparatory for manning the yards i and,
this Narrative, not merely for the ufe of feamen, but for the entertainment,
i 3 5 - .
ment, and, as 1 hope,1 for t-ht information of thofe who know nothin^fe. jy».
©f, maritime life, I fhall endeavour to -explain what is, -qnderftood by ’ Oftober.
manning tbfc yards; a ceremonial neyq8|ri$S§nrred hut on particular ™
occafioHs-, as, well as in honoujp’o f. .diftipgpifhed charalftsfs,4 and has
aiofsonly ; a - j y f . b u t , in feme sd^®ee%,a very beautiful effbbt.
Tift jfhip’i^eopipaay being aft-equipped in their befl^loadung^ the
feilors dlpnd upright ®h#he yard-arms, as -did^i© ,each .other, as the
fituation w ill admit, with their hands clafped together, and their arms
r<§pes~being' drawn^cygfl^'|p> prevent > them feqm falling.
In yards',of the Jhtp areiilkd' ,with men
Bp 4» «die mainrtqprjgalfeh^ .^.oWl., In, 'this, j^fitjod^th® fliiS|>gS&P4py
remained, ^tilLLard Macartney bad landed-on thp ifland..
-On ^his.-docal^op, .the mat-roffes werp drawn up .under. .Arms ,qn the
larboard fi^p^of the quartqr-deck,*■ and the marines ,on the.ftarboasd
-fide, lining both irdes o f the deok, .^ -far as^he accommodation ladder.
The troqps faluted his Lordflrip as »he paffed from A q »cabin;-, and the
barfd o f mufle rGpntinued playipg jtiljl.jhe .had left the Lord.
Macartney and Sir/Er^fmus Go-wer .proceeded ,in, onejiarge, and. the
gentlemen o f .the,fuite‘s^tlmypd jin another.1 The LiqP4hen4'fir.ed a
-feffite ©f jfifteen guns, whjjsh was .apfwerqd;by; the jginae.pumber from
the .fort om there. On this pcGafion every mark- q f mutua-l refpedt was
.paid, while die Governor o f Madeira, with the Bririih ^ConCul and the
principal} inhabiteitSji were ready at- the ^ding-.place do. welcome.the
■ AmbaSador.;©n his arrival at‘■ the ifland.
I we^t pndhem morning after'breakfaft, ypitb federal of'rthe Saturday 13,
teidfhipipen, and landed ^||Bxa.denrhea,d; y^cfc, ^ Oppq^te; -tp this
landing-place -ftands §. rock qalkd »the Loo, ip which .there is a prp.tty
ftrong fort, furrounded -jyiffi.a rampart, .mounted with,/ew^al pieces
o f cannon, and garrifoned with foldiers^This- rock is in the form ofra
pillar, bring very high, perpendicular -op all,^dss^eand.;Commands the
bay: thp only entrance to.tbp Ipr^isffija.par-r.p’w; flight offiseps'hewneut
o f thejrock, and jio p e r ly guarded. It is fltuated-about-three.quartersof
.. -.i a mile *