* { t t e )
^ dajnger, or dp&y A s foceefs p£ the' prefect trad^tafemg, or to faring
difcredit on the Engbfh character, or occafion any difficulty,- o f era*-
barraffment to the embaffy:. fo in the like manner- fhall he feel himfelf
happy inbeing able at ail times to report and reward the merit, as well
as to promote the intereft, and indulge the wi{hes,~of any perfon who
has accompanied him on this qc.c,afipn, as mjtch as may be confiftenfe
with the honour, aqd -welfare of the public-
** In cafe, o f A c abfe®ce ©r en®ig.eraeo,ts ,of hisExcellency.,; at apypar-
A u la i moment, appligation may hejcnade in his roomt A SixGfiprge
Staynton, whom hisMajefty -was pleated to honour with a. commiffiea
o f minifies plenipotentiary, to a ft on. fuchoccafions.,“
Given on board his Majejly's. Jhijtihe Lien,
the i6 tb day, o f July, 1793.
' By Ms ^Excellency’s Cqmmsmd.
(Signed) ACHESQN M A XW E L L ,
Having thus given afi large, and from A e fir ft authority, the whole
©f thofe regulations which were framed, and with great good fenfe and
true policy, to forward foe objedts of the embaffy, I Audi now -proceed
to ftate certain eircumfiance^, which da not ategeAsx appear to
be confiffent with» if they may not haeonfidetisdby; fom%4 s yfokribns.
®f, Aemlt
was now hinted to ah the. fervants of A e Ambafiadaiv. Artr Ae y
were hereafter to confider Aemfelves as fubjedt to mlitary law,-andi
that the corporeal punifhment ufual in Ae army would fee applied t®.
them, if-A e y Aould refufe to obey A e commands o f any of Aeiir
fopertoss in; Ae forte; Such an, idea, as may be fuppofcd, occafioned
no fmall alarm, as well as abhorrence in Ae minds of thofe who would
fee affedted by a regulation fo contrary to every principle q f right ox
| 163 >
yuftice: and wheft Aey wete at fuch a difianCe from their own
happy country, that any one-iryured by fueh an adl of tyranny, September
might never again return'-to the prote&ion- o f that power which would
avlnge it. 11
T o Ae honour of Sir George Staunton, I have the fatisfadlion to
fey, from!•tthe- general report-in the palace, that he reprobated, in
very feyere ;t#n}s, the -propofitipn jjm .tneafure, fo fohyeffiy£:lb£
Aofe' privileges, whichy* as EftghA-menj we carrlcd^with us into the
heart - of, Tarfary j. and which no powter of th& embaffy had a legal
right; tor invade <
This ftrange extension o f ■ mihtaiy difcipline was certainly pares-5
pofed to Lord Macarmey hy’ fome ofifeidhs perfons'ih the futtCJj but
Adejdpmment;- very happily for-all parties,• ytesneVer attempted to*
be "
When- Lieutenant (Sofonef Benfoa, ordered a court-martial to he held
on one .of his foldidrs^ andrffaW Ae'fentence! of'it carried info execution,
he did that whioh'he had a legal pbwer to {fo, .however' mdiforeeff the
«xereifs» of.it fnighfebeo hut in AeJivdrge. of an embafiy Within
fed owni circle;, .carries the liberties of EngliA fubjedts .to. the remoteft
xtgions of Ae globe, any attempt to iiafehi^e.*5 .Ah feverefi
■ ThismsAfog* James Cootfe*; arj prSvafo irr’th^riirfantryy w*h® com’*;
pofed a part o f Ae -Ambaflador’s guards, was reported to Ae com-"
manding'officer, for-: havingipfoonreieb by the affifiance o f a.Ghinefe
foldier; a fmall quantity of famtehoo, a fpirituous; liquor already- de-
feribed : for which; offence, he was immediately confined, an&fdoiS
aft®: fried* VffX- eou^:-martial,^coiififtingof a certain number ilof his-
comrades, and a. corporal as president; and the fchtence pronounced’
•on this unfortunate man was approved by Lieutenant-Colonel Ben*
fon. '
-Y In