• Atjtik-
‘SaeRfery 8.
FfiSay M-.
Monday 14.
Tuefday 1 £
Thu rid ay 19.
t })
No oeeurrenee. happened, -of -any 'kin'ds worth relating, tiff three
p’-plodk in fee. :g%;mopn ,pf this- day, when the jhfenry Dundas made
fee %naf ferjffffevg A ^ f lr f e f e e
north-eaft proved to be,-fee Nancy .grab*. t|f Bengal. At -few, the
Hindoftan arid Exeter received a fignal to chafe.- At five, fhewed o u t
cpfeura ^oafciig ^ddeyprfepEows.. •
The bag was commanded by a Moorifh captain,, and Wfil armed é
fee prowswere fe o mpuntedwife cannon, as one of them returned,
wife a fingite fhofc, fee fins of the Englifh fhjps, to bring them too.
Thefe prows had -upwards o f fifty Malays, in -each veffel, and frequently
do a great deal of mifehief on feC ucoaft of Sumatra, where
we now were, as well as in. other parts of thefe feas.. ,
Saw two ftrange fail, ip confeqjaenee o f winch all the gims Were-
fhotted, and- the fhip was.-cleared for action. They were, however,,
foon difeovered to be Englifh j and infield of the fharg returns o f
enemies, we interchanged the falutes of friendfhip .
We anchored: at. Angara Point j. where, we were employed- in,
wooding raid watering tilLSaturday. the nineteenth j when fee whole fleet
fet fail, and continued its ecru rife for.England,, except fee Jackall brig,,
which now fepargtcd from ns..
Nothing occurred, between» Angara* Point1 and.’ Saint Helena, except*
feverah very heavy gales of. wind,: particularly m. doubling the Cape of
Good Hope..
We this day. anchorefe at Saint» Heteiraj his Msjefly*& fhips ytfie-
Sampfon of fixty-fonr,guns, Qaptain Mbntagüê, trail the Argo,.Captain
Clarke, of forty-four, &c. had arrived that amoferingl^É
Lord Macartney and his retinue, went an fhore, where they remained
till the firft day of July, when, they, »rflturïièd^On.-board, and
(( ȣ? ))
the fleet ffcfcfefefi* En$and£ wIfefeerraldMofeéÈfee'fe^fewa^i £l%is | j ^ ^
which we, found&at aachotrhetie Oiii ©urr arrival':» (ithe' riVO'mfen o f warr
exeepted) .
T ip Sampson, 64 guns, *
-The Argo,
And the following Eaft-Ind iamfe:?'’j. ‘
General Goote, ^
- Fitzwilifem,
Ck Marqfnsfof Lanfdown,- ‘ wsife;
fa,a,The South,Sea Waller, .Lucas of London,
We parted -company with the General Wafhington, wfjöjfaluted thé Ttafdaysi
Commodore wife pipe guls, which were returned iü fe e ufual manner.
This mofeing fee,Sampfon fired a gun, -and madp* the fignal for a Monday »«
fleet. After feme .hours <?f fufgenfe, and having made ev^y preparation*
for, an engagement, it proved! fee' qutward bound fleet o f /lEaft-
llpfliainen,' unde^coiivqy o f his Majefty’s fhip /jpEffance,*Captain
Brunton j;,\yhfch now parted company with his convoy, ap|| joihe^ „*>
otir fleet.
Nothing occurred during fee remainder o f our paflage, feat^wpuld
§||ftify m y r am g 'a line to'this pég4>^JlK f e i r d of Septefebet^ dayj.
“vfeenat three A*M. yfe Were'ferioufly alarmed with running fou^pf a
fleet', off Portland Roads} which was Toon .ffipver.ed to be'ïhe grand
fleet, iinder^fee command o f Earl Howe, coming up feeChfenel, .
Th is flange accident was attended, however, with mo othe^ inyonve-
"n'ièflde than fop damagewhich. was received by fee Royal Charlotte,
„Triton, and Oflerley Indiamen,