( n 8 >
. € H A P. ■ XV|,
Orders ijfuedfor the fuiterto preface fo r an immediate defeature from
Pekin. The Emferor refufes $%„allo$Q o f qny d$Oy^'Jgfzal coitfu~
occafianed by this fujdqn departure.' The emba^ leaves P ekin .
Returns to ’Jongrtehe^.. Order o f the junks •uthicb are to take
the eijihajjy to Canton. Difficulties rejpefting the baggage!' f h f
junks enter a canal. Defcriptbn o f it. Cfrcttngjlames s f the veggge.
f View and cultivatiqn of the country.. The Dhjneje pofi deferifyd.
Pafs through federal large cities. A general account o f theta-
Oflober. T H E carpenters were employed' in ftrengthening the cafes that conwfc
°° J 7 ’ taiaed die prefents from the Emperor of China to their Britannic
In the afternoon the report o f yefterday was confirmed by an order,
jjfued by the Ambaffador, to the whok fuite to prepare for departure
from Pekin, on Wednesday. Our furprize at fiich unexpe&ed^n-
telligenee may be reiSily conceived, but the ►m&tificati^n which
appeared throughout the palace, on the occafion, yras at' leaft equal to
the aftonifhment r .for, in one moment,, as it wore, all the domeftic
arrangements, which hid been formed vtith every attention1 tb-dndi-
vidual comfort and repofe, were overdrawn—our*fatiguing pilgrimage
was to be renewed, and with all the humiliation that accompanies1, a
forced fbbmifEon to peremptory power, and the painful defpondency
which arifes from the fudden annihilation of fangutne and1 well-
grounded hope. .But, though we might, in the foil moments o f
furprize, be difpofcd to feel ibmething for ourfelves, feperior con-
flderatinns foon fucceecied, a id we forgot" the trifle of pesfonal
inconvenience, in the failure of a political meafure, which had been
' ( 7 _
purfued with fo rau{$f, labour»&bazard, andn^j^bverance had been V »793*
fupportek with fuoh enormous ’expence, arfl to which .our, country '^oaober!'*
J^a^ed with'eagep e xp ia tion , forfne aggr^cUze^ent ofo fts pommer-
ipial mtergfe. JThe^e'^as,however, no remedy; and nothing now coujd
be don^bj&fto , ufe every ‘epdeavoer'to. pi ©long mes period affigned t<*
the departure.ofj the.embafly, that^there might b,e1 fufficient time to
make the necef&ry preparations for, leaving Pekin with convenience,
jdndl' thkt the'Apahaffador might not appear tbtbe turned out. of the;
metropolis o fa ’Gentry, where he had"repffSfer#d the crown of Great
For theKe reafons, and--they were, it iriufl: be acknowledged, Of»very
gp a t ihspori^ntep the attendant mmdarinfwS''retJueftdd’' to ftktd’td’ the
prime ipanifter ’the itnpofflhilfty of otfo departure1 at fo 'Adit k norrcef-’ *
riot' omn&without yeiy gloat mco^Ncpience, ba t,aqfflraB| as
It would %Jjfopt5ffihlfe> to- pack up and arrange thd“S&ggagte* &c., of'fne
Ambaffador and &is'*foke, i*nua manner to tranfport it with fafetyf ip fa
fhort a iitne klWas then allotted foe that pmpoifL
TJils conn hiJpon he readfo uhdeftogk- to exeepfe j and fib.‘the evening,
hereturned with the pern^ffiOn’-Of the Grand Choulaa, to delay
the departure o f the ’ Britifh -Crfibaffy till-Friday, which wohld- have
given timeiiiffibih& to- have'made every neteffary prSpaiafiori. v
'She mandarin came with a countei-brdefr o f the pefmlffion o f yefler- _Tue0ay s.
da.yi frp'm the Emperor hirhfelf, who exprdfsly commanded the Am-
bailMbbf and ali bis retiriue,- to- quk- Pekin on’ffite next day! - They
^were agkili thrown inter a reflfe'tved-'flate o f brahftjfiQn, which I Stall
net attempt <pdeferibe.
It was' reported in the palace, by the Chiriefe, that fop EnlpOrck
having confidered the bufinefs as completed between the .ttvo; courts,
expreffed;hisfUrprize that the Englilh minifter fo’Ould-.Wilh. tomake an;
- unneceflaiy flay at Pekin, and not be eager to return to-his;dWh coun- .
try- His Imperial Majefty WSs^aJfo, faid, to be" alarmed at the nuirr-
A a a ' bet