( 9 4 |
. China feenUo be happy and contented under it, and to .enjoy as much
* hbgrty as .is confident with the beft arrangements o f civilifed foqiety.
The palaces o f the.mandarins are the only public buildings which
I.could difeover,' or was informed o f,t in this extenfive c ity : they are
built o f brick, and appeared to be veryfpacious ; but weffe more remarkable
for dxtenf, than elegance or grandeur.
I finifhed this cgtpus excurfion in the evening, when I .was, pot
only very much fatigued by my walk, but very much' harafled by. the
-ourjofity o f the people. I was Sometimes furrounded by „twenty or
Airty o f them, who'prefled fo'mucn upon me,-that-1 was'frequently
under the neceffity o f taking fhelter in fhops; till the crojvd that persecuted
me was difperfed j and, in return for ttp protbdrion afforded me,
1 made fome purchafesof fans and -tobacco-pipes, which were forrhed
with cjjfious neatnefg and ingenuity.
This morning Mr. Barrow, the comptroller, received .the"whole:of
„the remaining part o f the preferits, which were lodged in the depot
already deferibed. Lieut. Parifti o f the royal artillery, with a parly
o f Ins men/ attended fhere to examine the ordnahce'ftoQ»; ‘:tEey alfo
uncafed the guns, and got them mounted on their carriages: they
confided o f fix new brafs field pieces, two mortars, and one wall piece,
with complete artillery apparatus. On the report o f the date o f the
ordnance, &ci being made to the Ambaflador, he was pleafed to come
to A c ffieds, „attended by Col. Behfon, the officers, and other gentlemen,
<to fee the gpos pxercifed ; when feveral rounds were fired with
great quicknefs, activity, and exadtnefs. His Excellency remained
thereabout two hours, when he returned to his refidenpe, where the
gjentlemerr p f the qmbafly dined jp the fame mapper as on the
ceding day.
Jn die evening the Ambaflador mceiyed a vifit from .the attendant
mandarin, accompanied by the chief mandarin o f the city. The bartd
was ordered on the occafiop to play on the platform, and the Chi- *793-
nefe Vifitors appeared to be. -infinitely delightif with the European
This^evening, at;' eight, o’clock Mr. Harry Ead^t one o f the mechanics
attached to the embafly, die*d inMmfequence o f a violent ffilx,
with which he'ihad been Tor fomett®e^ffidfo<h Mr. Plumb, the
: interpreter, Was'refuelled to order a coffin, on thepccafionj and, as
thefe fad4 receptacles are always ready made in Qiina,, our, departed
/companion: waadfaSn placed, with albpoffible decency, in(a fituadon to-
reebivefthe laft adt of refpedt whibh' we can pay to’ each other.
The coffins ó f this country'ire all” o f the Tame Sze, and bear A
ftrpnger refetph^nce to a|flat-bottomed boat, than$p,tbofe ofEurope f **
ttbeyiare -very’ ftrpng and heavy, and“'the fid is ,pot pailed down, as
with us, but fattened with a cord.
'■ ^bout feleven ,o’cloqjc, f^ere .began* a moft tremendous»,ttorm o f
thhrider, lightning, and rain, which 0ntinued; withqy t- apy inter-
miflion till four o’clock.
This morning the Amhaflador gave order? for, the funeral o f Mr.’ Tuefday *o,
Harry Eades,'‘which,"in 'order to giver the Chm‘ef4 a T ^ u S Ö e >im-
preflion even: o f our funeral folemnities, Was ‘diredted to be performed
with military honours.
■ '.-r;AH the fervants, mechanics^ and. mufleian?, ; attached\tb the em- I
bafly, were ordered to- be ih'readfoefs^on ihe- occafion : Cob Benfon
alfoiflued orders to the troops to appear with their jfidp.. arms/except,
a ferjeant and fix privates ctf the royal artillery, wfip were ordered,„to
be grmed and accoutered for firing over the grave.' fA s no clergymm
accompanied tho embafly, I was appointed* to read the-funeral fervice
o f the Church o f England on this melancholy occafion 1 $f