( % )
■ feut it -was pot merely from the information ©fothersihat we foft a Stóf»
wb-had acular demonftration o f the grofs appetites
o f tJie Chineft, .people.. The pigs oa hoard tfce Liooteiagaffed:-
«d-witb airii|oK<iéï'* &tal to thefe animals, foyeralof
them were thrown oyerhoaasd ^ w h ic h cdijeumflanee being pbferyed by
theChinefe belonging to the junks, they -kiftantly^rot «ut their boats
and picked pp'thefe yfifeafed careafes; which theyfeimediately cut up,
and having drefifed apart o f them, appeared to m aWa Very’ctWnfortahle-
meal, that was: accompanied with frequent' marks of derifion '• at the
Englilh for theh'fboli|hTtactïavaganGfi.
W e were at fijft dsfpofed to befievCthat this gréfonofs o f appetite
was confined tp,the lower dalles o f the people, who ^ereyjeperally in
inch a finte of indigence, as to he glad to obtain meat* in *he accidental
■ way which t$e hatfe juft mentioned.: but wteaftorwards lêaraefli that
the more independent daft®' o f people, and éven the mandarins them*
felves, are riot exempt from a cuftom, in domeftie cècönomy, at which
the;,eagër apj)etite o f the ftarving European wouldvfoveh.
In the warm-feafon, this j>art 6 f the country }fwarms “with r ö f -
guitos,- fifet ttimènting infeS~which*is & diftfoffing t$4p| inhabitants
of-thc warmer climates.-
'-."This morning I went on board the acctmampd^tipp jnnk, fpcgppieS»
by Captain Mackintofh, o f 1 the Hindoftan, whö Uvas^ réqulired ‘tö' ac-
o^öföiiy fthés feöiba^rJto Pekin. The fquadrón, in jt&e S$kte*a.me,
received iriftra&ions to return to Ohnfinhraiirour, and to wait there till
further oiperfe^W
The junks, or Ghinefe veffels, aréformed ona c'onftruétion f névef
.remember to have^feea iri any other part o f the world. ■ T h e y' ilre -
built df,‘beach wooth'afid bamboo, with a flat bottom-: they,arc^vbf'
different fizes,, from,thirty to au hundred fed in' length; the breadth
o f
I )R
ofifo'e’ISrijeft' fte from fwefity^tb'thirty Téêtl 'and the fmaller ortesnn
In ihi^jwfk ^herë^was’bnt»the^ftrft'dê'gkï^^^ige óf J very neat and
\\ cfè jilèa^^m^WbcorafêW with paSnti
a dini*fg parlour,
vitt?h-a' kilsirerlf and’.*f#b rollhi^ft5^fê?van’t's.1 The fto&rtiw nfflEBto
lift 'siip™%y’^èïp|ëè^£ï^l®i^yf^jqn^^te^eiSh'1Bf whiöh there is a hrafs
^c a^ t''fp ‘è ^ ’^^jdllitMmff|,(lu!mber; 1 and
thÓ^ïan'dty '#fi'^öa^C@f«SÉ?bë*ftdiwed5'dwdy ièPthéfe'platcès is almoft
On-the uppbfwflmaM^dfe^’fnhéVê^^rt^efor'föiirteêiï or fifteen
fmallehamtfèrs, allotted ‘for thebufewffthé méh belonging tb the junk,
and -arilapartinent -fór tHe'eajMiri ör owner öfo#efveffel;‘1'
• In thfeilö'v^er- deck* the windows %fó triade' ó f-wood',s wi fh very final!
foUaró holes, J cÖViËfed< wit-h-a fort éf-giazedf* tranfpaféht' p ap e r;'th é
fttih^ï^re^dividfedsliiBé, four 'paffe, and'-'maa’è' rtq]. take oUfbodiflónaMy,
cither to admit the air for to u ln d i, or to fweeten thié- aparfnaShtsi’ On
the outfide there is%aj coloured, cm tarn, that extends .from one end of
-thfejqpk tot thetofherpwhich, iïfovery ho t‘<.weather, ‘ fir- unfurled • aaid
fixed upto'fhadfoth'e apartments from'the.heat of tS&tfun. ThefoaCre
alfb fhutter-s, which Aide before .the iWindósVs ton the outfide, to pre-
' yeftt theeffefts.qf cold-weather, or- any: inclemency of the -feafon.
There is-p- gang-way on both fides o f the wenelj ahbut thirty inches
‘broad, by ‘way-óftpaffage, without ehtdrin'g into artyaff the apartments ;
and -though many of : thefè yefïèls'^cariy from two'-ti1 three,hundred
tojlsj fKèy only draw three feet wkter, fo that they can be worked? with
eafc aödl'ftfcty in themoft-fhoalyrfiveFS. -Some ófthefe jimks havë fwo
mafts, .though, in gètteral-, 'thèy-have' ■btü?‘!'drië/wrth a: very ankward
-kind of 'judder; and- the 'tobfe el^gahf' veffëls-br this kiiïd, which I
have juft described, are only caleiflated for the navigation ^ f k“"Tiver;