t *?93- , (It is|g*, curious eiteumfotnce although this province i k # u
Aagiift. abnadahtio ifs,ptedHeeoftea.>. it appears tQ.be. a yejy. fc«ree.eommpdity-
aj»«ng the: teaser etefs of people3 as the. men belonging to ©yr junk,
never failed* after we had finilhed our breakfaft, to requeft the boon pf
out te^lwiSits, ’which drained; iw d .-fe j^ 'hM lie • &a- they,
were dry j they then boded «hem fo ra oertamtime, ajud poured .them-
' with the liquor into a Hone jar, and this,formed their Ordinary hej-
verage.. f . When the water is pearly^lrawa offi | they add'; rnr»rf* boiling
water j jp ^ a a s d ^ j, m?nnef: thofp. leaves; ate, .d raw awl te(hj^ed(£#f,
foveral weetes. -,Qp h?ffle particular ocoafionS;,, Ahay put a few grains..'rjf
fpefh tea into a cup, and, after having pouted h°lh^iwater,upop |t*
Cover it u p : .when it has remained in; this ftaie for a few minutes.,"»they
drinh, it without anarticte which the Chinefe «evyr mJy y ji-h
their tea. ■: _ i sdn
We this day palled feveral populous villages, compofecT ofJ very, neaf-
houfes ofpne ftory, and built o f brick j and from every one of them their
Amhaflador received thqfc„hqrteurs which have been already, defmty d
Thc .0fowds o f people which adpmbled tp.fee a parade o f fn irw?teh
novelty a.s th6 ficet that conveyed the Britifh smhafly,. were heyofid-alt
calculation, and almoft beyond belief, and gavertjs .a .complete stefla g£
the immenfe population attributed to the Chinefe empire. Nor was,
«he ffetpkgi >lhe navigation -that appeared p% die
«he: junks which we continued to fee at
w^pitemestetes. fejatssesoBa, that the water w<a« cswared with «them,. •
Tlte fleet came to an anchor at the ufual hour o f eight o’clock in the
evening, $
Sunday u . At fouriideiatJc in; the naoming we repewed our voyage; the
eoftfttty dkili appearing ia its ufual jftateuof rfeastdity iapi beauty■?■and
i as fef as the delighted eye could reach, an uncultivated fpot was no
where to be feen.
3 The
A C ?9i
TTifc Mriks bf the river Wéte now; varied w kh .iM dsef millet and
■ idee. ''The? ftalks o f ffife lofrnifeHfte-'ftry föB, <tyiÖi' btdnöhing! leaves,
ïmd thë pbkffs3 o f théife ,hèai?*fhés ^É^^ tehieh is a yifV pritteip&l article
o ffO o d in this country. ' The tfêe*1 gHVvts j very much like öur com,
and thrives beft iff a marfhy foil: 1 ohferved, indeed*, that- foftie o f tint
tice fieMsf'ivfepe entirely covered with water.
About fik b’ëföck wè ij^óacfied thé ëity %f Tyfexïiftflg, where we
were met oy<èföwds of fptetftators, feofh M1 jdhfeüftd #h the fhotei that
exceed^l'^l talculation.
:' As we profeededv we* fiw a long raitgerof heaps1, or ricks, o f fait,
in ranks, «Swim fmtó ftahf -t# fears theft’ heaps
are alOut5 eighteen or- twenty11 f^et fqUarey • ahd' tteéntyidbüf1; flet ‘ m
height, and are covered with Mtóttiög t<a pr^fvéthem; ftOttt thé êftbÉls
o f the weather j each of them « g a in in g , as I was informed, about
five lte*dffed'te'n® o f ! Mb- fmd^-aidér, -and: witht^st- varfeteoif, or
inteSrruption, ftlé'range cOtttiftüed fe f twd alifflg' fh© fenks .ó f
the5 flVte $bV! wfeak parpofo th& ^fl8ril9ri0 ^pafe|tW|
pteited there 1 eöuld net learn-j nor was; thetfe any appearance ■®f' a
mafiufedfoty ttejuftify A * ideatipi its being made there;
a At- nkxe o?èihêM We entered* did city, amidft the noifc and fhoutings
'Pf;Vïsd3uM Öet,;#04e hundred thöiitóids é£ f|leS;atórs. The höttfês
é f tM§ plafeè%re *hddt b f jbrick, and^ in general, are carried’ t© ^ e
height of* t#ö* ftories, with roëft ©f tilès: they were a lïü f a lead
cotouf, and had a very neat ahd pretty appearance. Thé place,
however, (i#not. formed* on any regular plan s the ftreets, dr rather
alleys, are fo narrow, as* to adhiit, with difficulty, t!Wo perfohs to
WaË: abrêaftf and have'no'pavement. It is, hö wever j o f gi^ft extent,
ahd popufous* beyond all deferiptioh«
Bfefote the palace 'of the mandarin, a larger bódy f"öf trdöjps was
' draw’h fup than we had yer feen, who Pafrieif, at lealtj' orie* hundred
and fifty ftandards.
L 2 ■ At