( zfrs )
*7?3- in point o f hbnefty, from fhe people of every other part of'Chin®
December, where w’S'liad bfeen i “at’lfeaft; ^ f .lS r '» s my means of- dbfervatibn' tvot®
ehanle r¥ne‘ ^ S > * M w i s ' l l ''vlith'll’efs' Corfeefn'that I -atBibufe this
local' fchara^erywhithrig knavilh in the' extreme^ tortfe@i<t being* the
inhabitants, o f the -only place where there is 'any1 eommuridbation-'-with
> the natives'of other countries..
On the eighth'of January, ih^^j^EMM^Macartney Jet offiswith his
whlSteyfeiirihlfe' m" behts, * for "the Lion man !©ft war; theft I lying'at
Warrfpia? A t4lfe ^mfe “KgneV Mr.'M^welhfcM M r. Barrow, with
eefralft^feefeWS? #£e?e ‘W r o e l W'^rdfegetiffto1 Macao, -to make pre-1’
’ pa ra^nsf^‘‘the'¥eception o f his Excellency at--thaf-place/ '^heyrwent
in junks by gnetfef fiver, which • flows from Canton to Macao, apd,
palling by that place, emptiesbtfelf into the fea. :
*' The" ^duhirjRftr'eadh li-de erthe'fivef,’ between* G an ton arrd.Wam-«
poa, us rich, fertile,' and full o f variety; feveral lofty pag&daS'.ilbte^
cefiively enlivened the diflant "parts o f the gydgreffive profpedlsy»"-'
Wampoa is the pfece - where all fliipA"cxm|ec&1^'p#h#p SMng:
u-niverfally prohibited to proceed further up6fci§ river.
It is £ ve'ry beautiful and populous village;, at-tffediffone£K©#ab©iit
eighteen foiles from Cahtoh. The hrmfegdait^built 6'fefeI^%<|Jh4red
brick, with numbers. ^ fine trees ifiterfperfed among themr The
adjacent country is a aMfinuScblevel.; but? the oppofe fide ©f the river;
whicliS riot fo wide herd as-at'Canton, -wears a'different and- mpte
irregular appearance. * At rie gTeit dfftanf^' from IMs *Acp, tfsefe-% a
faba^bMS or bar, which 'cannot be-palled by largfertVdfle-ls but at
high wafer. There £fe:ahmtwo hecks of land' th£f prbjed? on, either
fide of the river, which form fhe paflage called 'the BbeCa'TygfM
Here are ftrong forts on each fide, with batteries aft& troops; and as
thds- Lion pafled fhe received a fakite o f three guns, fibih each- o f
| H | )■
, rewms, itPrthe, d^ajftijse of^Lgrdi .Macaftpeysfrom Wampoa.i'he
receded tthe*f^^}vd.ifv.ifil pfj.t^pftj(|$Sendant- mandardft. Ydn-Tadge-In.t
Of, thiPwfegurfhed perfpj^^^and^m^bjie man,-.itsk^njfoffjb^ to,
ufe cxprciflon^Gyvhdjlie’ merit m ^ d if^ a^ in fus o tr ty f, and attention
ftc&; e^jytvgfrfet1'; attaph^.}t)%the<, Britifh embafly; Ho( yfas
^ppoyigted -by the. Empdror -ofj'Qhi^ toi attend* and .Qohdijjft it j and*
from the ti^nevjVe landed on,,tfe ihsj^pfjtfeYpjjaw .i^ ^ o p S r^ iv a i I
at.'Yfampo^feipeyer 4U^^tj|pr{,i^^m^n|i^,iIn all tl$^ipnj>and
yafifkstjoyrneyvi he pever, n%|e.%e4-v|g| |g | ig r a g ljB ^
ofifie^ndr-.omhtedj arty opportunityf^-expurtng ,< t&ei^fo -a majijnpr
th<% mofe^agreeab|pA*tqi^^ea^hq rwesci ept^|ed to hi^care typd^'diil
r c d ^ S was a tilk. of no ipmnon ti pubic itul diflied n , but he was*
potiuMSn any ifSflbn^or .ataffy time to Ipare' himfelf?irt.per&rip^g I
it., 'H?,was-amiabkiiri^jjs praiyiers ^affable in his-denxeanotny ready
in ,b|<; Uammimication. afeive in hia arrangernenta;, -and '-felicitous ip
the|extreme Jj||s onlyy^plo^re^li-poffible accommodations,t,bu;t.to,
fmtjthg{ft, i&§ far .as, the cycumftan.ce.Si of .die ^©.yntry w p u ld^few ,
to4 Loropeap, halma; a n d - . H e ^ jjsasj a mandarin pf ;thp m^b
clais,, and held if;not thejhi’gbelt.rank, in the army pf’’
Chmajtt but; pffv^nity^4^9lfi^e4--'hijftpiindi abpye
the difeharge of ^ha.tetyei. tjiey^ighjt be, pr?fee' .|uggdjipnss of
kmdnfrfs^t9Ly^ ^ f^ V ^ ^ jf|^ |t^ igh th e diretfted. gpr^w a s.flu s..^
jnlt.fe.true fpijit jaf b^ievofenpe,, he.^ g like^ffisndfliip
.had beejtff^.soptinually- emplo^e^ an,d hisjaft-^dieu
ta the Aipbafladpr and t fe fujte, was jaccompanied. w itl^ tfe tears of
^jjThe pnandnrin Yan-yadge-In, we vve^ kppWj, js hig^tin the ton--
bis. fovereign : an^.frQ^l thisfeet^s, thetq.cao be
dafe^thaLfebpa»^ very dj^Lingtai£f|ed, cfer^dfer-.m thefpjiere^©fjpri,-
vatpjlife and* public duty^ But,thppgh,the.‘teffirpony o£'r|fpei8| which
-is recpydedon,,^is .page g^not add to hisJamg, |it v^ill.prpve,' a^Ipaftjt
a admiration of, fuperipr merit, and a grateful fenfe{pf.;’con-
(iefcendlipg^faypfr, ip the-iysite^oliili.