& n
Monday 22.
T tiefday 23,
Saturday ay.
■ $ # g
by whole navigation- £he: could make a: neater, approach .to the- eapitalL
I f the anfwers to thefe inquiries did not prove. fatisfa<ftqry«th'ofe gerr-
;tifemen were then; f& concert- meafiires. with the mandarin o f the plac®
f for the difembarkation. o f the fuite there-
The brig Endeavour arrived: from Macao and Canto®.wjth difpatches^
from the ComnaiflioneES..
This morning a mandarin, o f Cftulan fent: a prefent o f twelve fine-
fmall bullocks, a number o f hogsr,. with, a large quantity, o f fruity
garden fluff* and rice.:
The cutter returned with Lieut. Campbell and his company, who*
gave a very; favourable account,- o f the hqfpitality 4o f the. .Cbinefk at?
Mettojy j where they were not..only- received with the greateft civility*
but.fumifhed- with ^ffiblfe accommodatign;* and fupplicd; with
the greafeft plenty and abundance- A-Mhe'lame time Mr^ Campbell
reported the ahfolute impracticability o£ proceedingfurther, as the
whole way to the mouth o f the river forms .a chain- o f , ihoals,. while a
bar funs acrofs the entrance o f it, which is ndt more than Jix feet!
deep, even at high water*, hi confequcnce c£ this report, Sir. Eraftnuso”
Qowcr refolvydto proceed-no furthers. -> .
The repeat o f the furgeon amounted- to-ninety-three men- fick -on-
board the Lion.
The Jackal! and Clarence foiled .with Mr, Huttner and Mr. Plumb.
to Mettow, to make arrangements With the mandarins' for the landing
o f the embafly, and to fix the time when the, Ambaflador. flidultf
go on fhore: the refuJt o f wlpfe commiflion was, that large junks
would be fent for the reception o f the fuitE and-baggage* as .Xdoh'as
The wind ferved.
A p r e -
59 1 -
A prefent .o f n*xte£n bullockfs? ;th|rty-|wo fine large fijeep, fome^btroj.
'|io f s-,^ith,vegetables, t£a, t^ a r^ c .j ig a s 'fent on board the.;hiop. A " Airlift,'
‘ prinbind mandarin alfo came ogBoarJ ft can" one ;ejf-tHe j unlcs, and dined Frkk/*-
W ith & c d Macartney; .’where he appeared" ipa' very auk#ard fituation, ,,
aj-|t^s:Chin&ig ' ^ .fi^cnow. the M SM knives, apd forks, ’ Tips pffi-
•cen finaliy^ttled^With "his^xbellency that the fu^^dinl| Monday
jhpuld b e ^ e fd'ay|^«is‘;difembare^gn4 il^ ;th at7jthe heavy baggage,
>&c. iho^d'ne ,p!fc^^m^|tranihj.ppedtinmffi^ufflks;. tTfae manl'nn
.expieflcdjjgrcat fyjprde It bur WQMejp1gdac^4and coiJpfgatee believe
the^,variod^lSmg<-mcnts ‘and wonduhil cop\cmenues'fo£ it. ' Heiwasi’
hodfed‘-'-iijlfe-o p c 10its m the accommodated chair ;&n-ceremony
with Which be appeared to beipfinitely delighted; 1
- A cnandarin S a fe *on 'bo’lfd to dinner. T h e ’ jnefaris» 1
■ &c\ were,|dLfhipped (into the jiipjks j ’ op board\f-jMrch vllfel^the
mechanics, ahjfgreat part o f this ^peHencyfs feryan6f%ere
-Mib||jBafe - -. ,. r <
This jnprning at fouitp^lockj-feyeial junks jeame4alsr^,,fi3e the Lion Monday 5,
*0 the remainder o f the Apibaflador’s baggage; ' Hif^Excelf i
lency tnen f^tok his brejtkfM onboard, | anHtwas joined,' by jne.rernain-
^eEf'of his^fuite from the Hmdoftan.
Afcgight o ’clock S ir Erafmus.Go-wer gavp'Ord'ers Tofthe flaip?scom-\
pany to man fhip,, prpvi^us to his. Excell ency\,4i£ep>barkatj.4&.|whi(?h
took place!|almofi| immediately jswhpn be was plated with, three cheers
fftim the feapaenh and the, difcnarge o f nineteen gups ?|om 'the
apd Hindofan|;-;~
At. nine o*clqckth$ remainder o f the fuito t$p|:jhejr.fta* on different
junks j the Ambafiador„Si^^George 8taupt&ti4,n^o%havi^-^gb - .
on board the ©Jarence bng^the.aCcCrnmodations'of the junl^s %ipg.,nott sj|
otjly very- inconvenient, -but extremely an.d. Qthprsvife y.sfy nnfiir ft
to receive them.
I 2 I The.