{ l§ $ )
The • Ghineft,- 'who refide in -this pladej-a retain’ -theirówtivCuftoms
with d1 rig|d-'‘{>rèfèreticjè;i nor has the long intdtc&lMfe they.’ hastdtherq
hid with Eiïrópéaris ö f different nations, indüdfed'them to deviate dh
the leaft article; from the long-eftabiiihed, and, as it a|»p^.rs.,'invariable
üïajges-OPtheirjeojSB8g& ■
Macao was originally fortified'by a wall, a great part*of;which ftill
remains|"to the eaflWard'bf the' town, where it1 paffes betweeó^fivO hills,
and‘honn^è itfi3f with a fort, and i conyent.' .thats.appéar on their
■ funshitsv -
'AiS wail is: thfe common buryingi-ground'ofci.he .plJfce,
-whir© I faw the memorials of feveral df any oSffiBfrymenfr wKctffe-affies
repofe at fuch a diftance from their friends :and native. 'land.TifiThis
cemetery,, however, is exclufively occupied bv the,Chinefc," arid f®h
EaiTopeafts wHo are not of -thef Roman - Catholic ptemtafioh ;Wfïdhe
'papifis haw^'paitictflad fdac&l 6 f int<3rmeiit'ifar> thofe’.wiro depart this
■ Mfbin the fai^ o f theh cfiimdi.
8 A t this place Mr. Plumb quitted the fcnvice -of the-efiibbfly.Vc'Hc'
was-very ‘amiablerand obliging in his conduS to 'every one 'ingaged -in
tbei fame fefvStewith himfelf.- He wad offered' a fiiitable jpfovifion-,
iShè woulitefumrte;England j .but, though he;ap^bare8To;;part from
his Kufopean friends with a fenfible regr-et,' he verymaturally ^preferred
to asturii tb die bofom-of hisifemily and: friendsi frbm t^fom-helhad
been fo mhg ‘ fepakated, and to pafs thé remainder ctóÉ^d^S in--tl¥l
counüy that gave him birth.
• Lxird .Macartney remained at Macao till the eighth-.c^y b f March*,
i. 794;' when bis.'Lot dfbip, and; the “whole retinue, embarked from the
Goverrtor*sfhbufe.1 'Th é tróops4 wéfe all drawn ou’f on thé bead#ó‘n
-fhe}oceS&>iif' with fix br^fs fièld-pie&ës? *ftotn whifcfrthey fired a*fa-
Jute.,of trineteefi'-gdifs, which was aUfweredhy feveral forts. ‘
8 H i l
Tfte,f LifnpreceWe&HLord' Mlpartney with alaftite fdf"-fifteen guns,
and gvefy»9£l^i$'lrj|i||^^ CMrlee from:
'Spain,?%^^th^tBon^J©fi^i}f4Grai'J Pflfljajjgal/Mth 'imfe^;ountry fhips
hel^n'g!ng®oJ'the Engliiif Eaildhj^':Com‘pan|J.
-In the afternoon tJiCgjflu.t,ofthomcwaid-bo&na^Eaft ’Indiamen an-,
choied off MacaoticMKls,, f^p^ocee^mtltr-%®P^iy otVthe Lion t<r
JErigiand,’ wfen theyy5feverail-y'/*fakitfcd rhe*G%rHn^ddi;p with nineteen
^-gGIris1 a’s they^rafeceffively carrifii-to anchor-.' -The* eonip’awi(»n^,Vf''otir
outWambpvAd i v®yagg, the j'^elfell^aniS'CralfertG&bMgsp as.-the em’b’afiy
was^onefcde'd, 'wereifo'ldi; -tehe foffderijtto' Gapfi^rodwr^iti- marine
fervice of the Eaft India’Company,' Whilethedattet' jjurch^fer;
at M'aeao.
- -EaTfe; this, inortiing'thi-figfial'Was "made forme,x#e’Jfftó weigh:' and
*at 'fttén- ‘Jthe1' LrsSTgfljl Under fair, -urcompuny1 with the following
Cord Thurlow,
Gl^ffonPv v
A|fjsrgayejuay,, ,
Hinddfi®,'' , lJ’'
"Royal Charlotte,
Hawke, -
Lord Wallingharn^
Hen,ryÖjipdas,.. *
Cei,e , 1
' Ofterley, and
The 'Jackaïï,M'the iJobapafiy?s ma-
: rine brig?, ; .
T o theft homeward-bound Englifh fhips may be added,
Thé Kièg Charlies, Spaniard-V ■
Bon JefusjiïPbftiigeufé;- .
General Wafhington, Anierican.
At eleven the.figtt'al was made to form the order o f failings and die
whofefeeet 'ftoë&’.to fea. 5
Monday% y.
M m