( X I
d e fcr i b edh p others, . and fere to be found Vn. the %©‘lumes
of modem ifgeogfa|fo^C| but I was advifeA;hy shofe;,?. ;on
whofo judgment J could^very ritucht rely, faig^ve 'this
jiit j# ^ ic |^ lf art of -it, accord jug. [to-my [own; «knoi*
' ,f?and;; -foodi -the i?efolt j qforja^oos^ ifcbfeiw».
tion.' r
I ha-yfe alfo -added the journal 'of the Lion: and <the
Hindofftah from 0 hufp,;t^;dGarftohK;^itd:dh^ag^aoh
curious and ufeful 'information relatiwe' tb th.e jndwgatloh
of long rangihfefo'thb coaks ofolChina notigjMera%
known, and may be, therefore,, important .to the future
voyager-of, the feasfthatwafli them} Thermbr ofCan-
ton is fo well known, that I havfe eompreffeid ^BamsdhpBt
of it viiift> a 3fefy fmalLf oofopafs. Thfefhoitoetrardfsbo«d
vayagp, fajfo, Hwhigbotfas aeeompahiedj^with Jnd; ckcx#^-
ftance' worthy $£, ;partj£ylar attdntb|t%; i%j co#ained in ta
•few pages. To tbefo l ^^Itaddediia-fbort; gloflky of
foeh Chinefe words and e^preflian^ i ^ Ii?hadl»jifeM!: fae?
•(paired, and nb.rnore* , !
As to the names of cities, villages» LihaVe given
,the. orthography’according lO'r^h; #>&*<$$* ancba&T was
inftructed by thofe natives, whole knowledge; Of the
Englilh language was fufficient to aflift me.
■ Bp! p
I ftiall offer no apology to my country for publifhing
the journal of a Voyage, which had excited fuch universal
attention. If this yOfuhie contains a faithful narrative
of the public tranfactiohs of the late embafly to
China, wlth fuch an account of the country and its inhabitants,
as | the circumftances of it, and mode of travelling
through if; "would allow; an apology muft be confi-
dered as infulting the public, to whom the work is pre-
fented: and, if it fhauld be found to contain nothing
that can interfcft I or aniufd the" public, the book itfelf
will he an infult, and heydn<f Ihe reach of apology.
But I jndulge myfolf in better expectations; not* am
I without a flattering hope, that this-Volume , contains
information which will gratify reafonable. curiofity, and
enlarge. the knowledge of a .country fo little known to
the other nations of the Oglobe. i 1
• Weftmhifter, -Mzrfoant-fireet,
April 2, Xfjsgwj.1
b i L I S T