.{ 'n )
f794.' ney, who was ftill very much ihdilpofed, accornpaniëd^hy Sir Exalmlï®
December. Gower, returned, in a private manner, oh boaird the Lion.
Sunday AH the baggage beöig put into-carts to be carried to the beadi, thè
dfScers-Who commanded the, guard at tHe.Koufe jivKère'V^ord lIRcart-
ney ha4 fended,- hrde^a^%tparty',df foldigi^s to attend ‘ e^mcart, “till the
whole jpf Jmeir^ ^igoeX-was depofited on boarrd the boats which were
in waiting-to receive'thern. - While 1 was att-pnaing- on this du'tyj' I
had an^-oppprtunity'óf feeing the yicerov retumin greatTlate ffdm the
church, where he had been to attend fome particular ceremonial 4 f his
religion f “
Monday,^. . A t h alf paft ten in the m orn in g w e Weighed anchor^'.and w o rk e d
d ow n itQ '6 ahta -Gru2 Fort,, and came to o , 'fo anfafterj ih^Efteen fathom
w a te r i’. The n e x t a a y w e Toon ran out b f t E e h a rb ou r ,*ahd 'took our
deave o f Rio Janeiro..,
Nothing howl occurred for fome* time, in the eoUrfe o f the Voyage,
tyhichrequires particular notice; nor even that change1 o f weather djfhich’
would juftify'a circumftantiaLaepount’ o f it. * The- weather was^ln general,
moderate; ight;aixs, frefli breezes, with ^ra,fional haziliefsand
drizly rain, would include eveiy ddcription o f it during the rengaindef
o f the year j 70a. It may not, however, be thought-altogether improper
ip me to mention,- that, though fo far removed from our friends and1
native chnip. with fuch a waftebf water around us, and'. fo long arrack
Tuefday^, o f oceap before us, the feftival of. Chriftmas-day-was not forgotten,
and that its focial diftindtions were pradtifed and edpoyed in the little
wprjdt,thatbeye u^along.
Monday 31. g About ten-ih the morning we faw the iitand o f Triftan de Cunha.
It is a barren, uninhabited, and abnoR inacceffihle ifland, fituated ill the
heart of thejouthem ocean, in thirty-feven deg. feven min. rand thirty
| afec. foutl) latitude,-apd^bput forty-five deg. daft longkudev >When we
Efft obferved this mountain riling 4hove the clouds, it appeared-to be
m/m M
as high as tbe^p^akjUaifi Tanenff. It is a natural place of refo.rt to pro- t, »793-
digious numbers of wild birds ji\\hil'aj/'thpjTuiroupdirlg Jea,* is- the January.
dfea-d;if^|i»and-ptbpem°hjferj?; dpdp *. -Lieutenant,
^hftoia^r, dji1 the. cntt^,,,tp^jfodSy-Tt>r
^ncKajag.e, ,gavp/a.i^gry - fa&oyrahk' &p«fe,of j,-hc heaelh/ias wejl^s ,of a
fipif.pt w itu^whioh »iftj&Uhdiri) tudiff., and, tlowing acralj.jth© Afore,
;difchargSii k-|^l£ihtSt:|-e^a:-.1
. - <Mr4^hitrna,n, p h c t^ a ^ fe in c p ,dhM- a-ri|#-hQnj and an.alpatfofji;
(Jai$ lattci of^wrdlQic-I^L^ghf1 oy h.dayJj If i^eallpred nine -feet from
,-thci^lrf&thef t xtrfemjty, of thy^iA^but v.jy^ied. no/more than thiee
uoundp^df divludi^.^,
In mfbiijpafionr* iju , Enjfimu 5hGp v,£$7propprejd
to feng^watering pa^ty om&^D&l^ape-xt^pi^fn^gJj.tyhile^ir George
Staunton fugged t^L-an txciylion thither at the fame time, *to fee what
Thi^^a®^ofe49A-tl(fbbiarf^ferv|ti(yi in any branch oTunatural dj■ : .,7
for this purp.ofe,t< ascertain number of* artillpremen jwere, ordered to
be in readinpfs by three,.Q5clocl^iin the* p3©rmng,--aud&tp“bp, property
equipped for ,the p^peditipn. aj^nfhl&ef ja^ghibtpU'S), monfthts :^o£ .the
mhresLwAt. haynrght.j. however, ax very heayy gale Came ,dn,, whijji T-uefday 1.
ctmfeq ‘tne fhip to, ftart he^ anchor, and bur .fifuation ‘hapmhfyi^
alarming j ’-fo^ifk|re wjnd,- which blejVidn^^ly-'on the roohhhad)not
i'cbaflg y a ^ e tfiuft^ne^tably have. perifhed. - -This pjiexpedled aheij-
fipn1jn,,thfe.Weather- fruftrated the .dflign^^tyhjgh ha^, been- formed o f
^hl.aipihg;-further InfonnatiQn tre(atiye to.fhis trurious place. *
The weather pptjtityj^jfojbe moderate, -With light;air.s,u9hjd-lfrefli Sunday ao«
Jbree^ei^ull ,tbis j day;_ .whenthere c^|jejpn ,an heayy gale. of- wind,
_,whichiQceaifione.d fuch atDrolling of the^llhip^as to interfere .with thofe
-^nj^p.erjts^wbich make feamerTJprget the'.dneonvenienci.es of* their
The moderate weather returned| ‘with;all' the icdthforts r.that ufually Tuefdayaa,
attend it.
E About