C j | )
t- nit' the room where it Sands , which is fufikient alfe towarm the apartment
Ariguff. above it. They are, in coid weather, conflantly fupplied with char-
coal, and communicate their heat in the manner of our hot-houfes in
Ei%knd. The hnufcs her© have no cbtmnies that I cn#d di£c©\s©r,
and^ of csurfe, no other means of heat can be employed
biit th®fe which have juft been mentioned.
At four o’clock in the afternoon, the whole fujte fat down to dinner^
which confifted,. as nfnaU of a great variety of ft&ws and hafhes. In,
deed, a joint of meat is feldom or ever feen, but on fe&ival days - of
which 1 ihall fpeak more hereafter. His Excellency and Sf George
Staunton dihed together, But with aU the foperiority ofaccommodation
we enjoyed here, we continued to he guarded with the fame fufpici,
ous vigilance as in our late refidence. On no pretence wbateverwas
any one permitted to pafs the gates, and "every aceeflible part of the
plaice was wider the a<8»ve care of military power.
This palace, according to the reports of the country, was erected by
the Viceroy of Canton, from the fruits -of his exertions during his
government there-, and particularly on-fehe Slipping of <the Englifh
nation at that port j for which ac^s. of fnji|jk|&and oppccefbm he was,
as I have before mentioned, at tins time, a prifoner at Pekin. The
money expended on this irnmenfe building amounted to ninety—feyfep
thoufand pounds fterling. A moi enoOTftous fur®; in a country where
the materials, for building, and the labour which; puts 'them together,
are to be obtained at fo cheap a rate.
TuefiJay *7, *. This. >day was principally occupied in arranging
ments foe the convenience of foe gentlemen* dse,^ tOr who^ ;#^y„ were
allotted, as weB as in providing fiutaMe. places few foe tec^tiioh of foe
heavy baggage.
The cloths and bale goods, with that part of the more valuable pre-
fonts which were, of the fmalleft compafs, were diftributed between
-4 the
1 ” 9 )
^h^^aP^Wi$Bts,.o£^pnj(,;|d|M|t‘aey aridfSiïpGçprgé; Staunton : the re- hSJ793*
^nainder,|K re^aoyed^jo fe\eial J^c.çhatjibtfl,' which-formed a large'll AuguST
and^c^ipmodtous, ipagozujgi foi; ^thcir reception, j'iiUic fix pieces «will
.-Snail placed in t^ in n e r with
all th0^pp^ndages,t a^d; ^h4th?irvca<rr|ige* in ^ont, off the
-Ambadàdoj’s apartments.
Thefe arrangements being made in thefmpfi:prpper and conyè^iént
mannef which our fituaition Would adipif, ii^ie^lnedî fonffi do wait
withbafience, fill his îm^erià'Majè^’s pïe|MeÆVuld bef^lown,.
Vh|fBerïthe embafîÿ wa^tp^prb^eéd’ ,tQ T artaiy, 'or to-lit côcrpeîup in
rits-p-pefent. abode tiU^tHe \ iduahv%fon^^his ,Maj^&,s.‘ r& ^ ig ^ th e
^capital of^hi-S empire’' t ‘To o|tajinithis intelligente fd'imj5ortàlitïto us^
-a mandarin had been difpatched, on-our arrival atrTH3m.g-tchew, to foe
vEmpemv^s fbmmer refîden'eé-in T&rtary, and we i.rwflr.é âm eOnri»ijial '.
.expedfcation of the return of this mçSèngor.
of fois day, the- British Aaftaffadfor was vifiïed -by a
^Company p f mandarins, among w h ^ " Were federal peribnsf^riatives^f
France, who;.had beeiyof the/order ©f.Jduits; butfoting prohibitif
from promulgating their dstbrines-in-this-coutetry, had tfflulfced itffrefs-v
ynd marnieri; and, cm .account- of foefir kmftifig,*. had b&it -cfovat-éd- fb-
ifb^digW of mandarins. ; Thefovlpënehj gentlemen, wMë lwerè, Jàs
■ H readily conceived; web acquainted1 with the 3 ^
the, country in-which, they were, n^w riaturttM^ed^nCpinaged’iXord
Macartney to hope for the raoft fatisfabtery and beneficial iffue o f foe;
embafiy which'he eond tufted*
C H A P .