Sunday iS,
Saturday i.
Sunday z.
( i 6 )
Trayaihas -a goo‘d port, and'is. feldom wrthoutJhips’.i ’thofe outward
bound Jd^-Guinea »ôn ithé Eaft-Indies, from England, Holland, and
■ France; frequently .touching hère for watpr. and^JreffirhenfSji *
While wfe were -rambling ah,qi|t iljis miferable plaçe, we heard the
fîgnalcîtoiirepair on board, and,. hafteriipg to.'the fhore, ,fouhd>nifbpat
waafiogfQ receive us, and afc^^d, -gf ,ihe framed-jjffiabitari$s'‘ Handing
-there with their fruits fç^f^lé,.-r-?At -noon we feft Port-Praya..- 5
; A t .eleven .o’clock in the forenoon, ;we fou^d puEfblves. under the
Equator, where the burlefquç and isdkulons -ceremonies frequently
^Mlq^ed' by the commanding, officers ;,pf Ihips ^vçre/Stomplet%W-^b-
ferved, by permifiion o f Sir Erafmus Gower, to the great entertain-'
jnentof the fhip’isieonipany.
'"■ A4 fiv e ,o k io ck in the afternoon, .wè came\tp;anchor-ihibe^-Rio
Janeiro harbour, in fifteen fathom water. Palled by this afternoori
into the harbour the Hero o f . London, a JSouth-fea whaler, from the
• South-leas,' boundTfpr London. A great many fhips•;, this
time at anchor ih the fiver, and, among the reft, was. a Portuguefe
Eaft-Indiaman homeward botalelj by whom it was intended to have
fent letters to England', by way o f Lilbon, had not the arrival of/the
Hero safflFprdsd a ®<srfe ready, as well a s more ieeure- conveyance.
j Thecountry offers from,the -river- â moft delightful profpedt, eon-
fifting of a fine range o f hills covered with wood,' whofe intervening
valliès aioadprtpiwith ftately villas, affording at- once* a>feene o f .elegance,
1 ricbnefs, and beauty.
The cutter was hoifted out, and the firft lieutenant difpatched on
fhore, ito acquaint the Viceroy with the arrival of 1 the AmbafTador,,and
*o 'demand the falute, ; but, as that officer wa^at his country reftdence,
the pfua^forroilities were neceflarily fufpended.
1 7 ÇO.
C *7 )
the rtïö'mihg ^f" this ^da^ff&thfe deputy-viceroy came, accompanied
'withgdaÊds ’‘and atteridarits^in elfegantjmrgefs, to wait onEptd December.
Macartneyf- hi^fntfhtions, andvt5'.'lfcquain£ him tvith, the Mon 3‘
Tegulatijofis tcflwhich .all ■ 'fli^rgtiérs;'mtffi. fubmit- onr landing at Kio
Janei-iöïV But;.ihfs|i2Qrdl?hipjhavIng been fofef<Jme; time affixed with
theft^uij'v.andbftiife remainfogV-Vety »much indifpofed, Sir .George;
Staüifiton Sir Eraftniis Gower received-the;deputy viceroy, who,
after' an intr-oduftpry;, conference,f*pa-£fpok; a,-cold-icpllatipn, and
T he deputy Viceroy;! with his .attendants,• .paid a fecondvifit to the Tuefday 4.
fhip, and accompanied the general „méfïage -.of congratulation, from
%b§WtGerdy kf the Ambaffador, on, hisrarrival’’, at the Brazils-,-* with an
ifwitation^ts acceptipf .'-anthoufe 'far his^refidofisce, - during .the time he
might -find*-'it- .neceflaty tb .ftay .there. .This -db^ging^pfopofttipn was-,
accepted by'Lofd Macartney; and-Sir^Georgë Steunton tyént on fhore
ito-'-make the necèflaty' preparations for h is' reception, as fbon, as he
Ihould-be fuffieiently recovered to quit the’fhip.'
fsTte -Viceroy’s’ fecretary,- attended by feveral gentlemen, came pn Thurfday 6;
hoard;fthe Eipn to inquire when the Ambaflador y^ulq-icpime-on fhore;
who ’Vtas’ pleafcd to appqbft-'l'^ie followii5^;fday. at. one o’clock, to
make hhfentrance into the city of Rio jMêfrol
A t no'on,-*Sir Erafmus Gower having- bp^n fpn fhore tp,notify to. Friday,
the'.I-ViE^f^fhat> Eörd Macartney was rea$y$g land, ^fiq.^epurned-pjto, .
thb Eion tó'bltófer to condutffiffiim-s-'and^h^fooli arrayed’ waib/-aW the
■ eSïfepionials fiuted to the pepafion., ThepIandmgr’pIjpev-^S'hieb is immediately*
oppo’fite to the viceroy’s palace, wa^fined;oh eaphfide;by a
-sqgiment of.horfef afidf-the;; Viceroy Js - botdy-g%W^n- aljhp(^ ic||(^;r h im
felf,was alfo th'ere \^ith hi^-, official» attendant's, load he( »nqfl dffiin-
guifhed-* peffons of the city^ to receive the Amba^fedor,^ Jw-ho was cqn-
du<fted->^lrang thevline, and diftipgiitffi^'b^plitiJf. .-military ,hqn0prt..
The ceremony had altogether a- -very, gjtajid appearance, and i
D , '-prodigïcö^