I # . 3
the booty more fecureto them.: In th is fetuateon,. 'I £ofm#d,.tb& mediation
o f tnakjngAheIsoflt ofemy way;to:thfi Lion;.i#xj4* accordiijgty^
ordered the Malays to tow offfor the flrip, which theyAt i r f t refuted;
■ aft«* fhewing them feme money, they took the oars, ks_ I ex-,
pecfted, toCompiy with my wifiics* bat, mftead o f making towards
the ihip, they rowed die fwoa clofe ta the ftiare, about a gun-fhofc
from the mouth Of the canal, and at kaft half a mile from any houfe.
They then all run afliore, and, in fpite o f threats or entreaties, left-
me to myfclf in a much worfe fituation than I was before, as I waS
now more remote from ary affrftance, -in cafe i fhould be in a ifitiia-
rion to require it.
In abqut twenlr minutes thefe wretches returned in greater numbers,,
which incm&fed apprehenfions, as they a l entered iöto^Ae ^ïóa,
and, putting' off teom the fhore,' attempted rowinto the hay :- in
$tbi£ a!!v!okl§ï;ffuiSè: é t^éd ltet^teeh* u s ,! Is"fffiBÊS I at length flae*
needed, vby means o f a drawn fword that 1 ufed with fdme'efEa^ in
driving them all on ihore, except one man, whom I compelled, by
terror o f the fame inftmmerit, to row thé veltel 101^6 cut&mdtehfé,
xvifeêz Ï waited till paft eleven? and, deïpairmg b£ feeing Mr. M a x well
tiH the next day, ™ took all the articles «>Ht‘ GfJ>5h^cBoat,‘;and
lodged them in a pubiic-houfe foriurther feeurityi ■* I had, however,
ica^iËiiÖied this hecéffiiy arrangement, w lfen llaW F fr ; Maxwell;
attended by feveral ilaVes with flambeaus, arrive ©n the oppofite.fidie
o f the water. I inftanifly hailed h im ; when he came over to me, and; •
aTI the packages' heing again put into the proa, %ë. fet fail - for the
I Lion, and Joxfie time after midnight arrived on hoard»
The hotel in which the Atnhaffador’ s fuite refided, during »in' fflay
at Batavia, is a very fuperb building o f its kind, and was ere&ed at the
eXpenfe of government for the accommodation o f foreigners and rmet-
cantile Grangers .: it is under the foie management and controul ©£ the
Governor General and Council, bywhofe regulations the bufinefs ©f
the houfefs conduced.
f 39 )
It is called the R,opl Batavian and Foreign Hotel, and this title Mfp-
appears in large golden-letters in the front o f the houfe, with the date o f MarSw
■ 1^29, the year in( which it was built. It contains three regular ftories;
and, as. each floor; is very lofty* for the benefit of! the air, tbe -building
rifes to a very confiderabk height. It is c©n,ftrudfed, like the other
edifices, o f the place, with brick paintéd^of ,a' reriçolopr, whale the
fleams o f mortar between are proportionably whitened;' the windows
are alfo very large and broad,. the <frainbs o f which are gilt or
C»|lotifl|f painted; the whole ferming averjg-flprge and h^ndfedte;
iiructurc. (
There are three doors in the front, and a 'k in d o f terrace raifed
Above .the .pavement before them, which -felcdverbd; by ât portiez*
whqre the company refident ift the houfe ufually fit after dinner and
fmoke their pipes : each of thefe doors" forms "art-entrance into an half
about two hundred feet in length, and alfe&it fixty* in breadth ; at the
further end o f ‘which there is *hhj»lrge‘ flair-cafe that leads to the bedchamber
apartments,' and the flat roof above them.
In the center hall.thereare at kaft thirty elegant lamps and chandelier?,
which are lighted up every night, .and, oppolite td them* on the wall,
is a range o f looking-glafles* which refled:, aftd, ôïteootfe, heighten
the brilliance o f the iUuminatiôflî - the piers between thehi ’’Wt
adorned with paintings. In the-Center of'the'middle hall is a large
arch, froth which a filveh chàridëËé* i s 1 fefpitoM't ;th© cihfih
have each a door o f the feme dintienfions exactly'oppofitfe," and thefe
relppQdvely leadto. an apartment with an kW f^ r b ê f ,’“ rieiftly. ùfrÉip'
mented wiflbr ftucco, which contains a billiard tabled fiQ-rôüddecï
with lamps. From the cènter o f the principal hall the* ctMp' ri'mill'at
night is perfedly enchanting, frbm the gréât I number of JghtVantfi
thelcegiïlàr osrdêr in Which; they are placed : the brlliarddfctoms alfa
with theit lamps,- eorrefponding exriddy with each .other.