({■ 2 PO >
tm , mode o f arrangement. Hoang-tchew is a very magnificent, populous,,
and opulent city, maintaining by its cojnmerce the fimmenfe number
o f its inhabitants# and is the capital o f 'a province to which“"it
' gives a name.
At noon his Excellency arrived- at the Green river, on-ryhofe banks
a'very large bódy' o f troops, all armed with helmetsend accompanied
with a large cotps o f artillery, 'were drawn üp in regular order: the
whofè5 feSHBBSSff ns W appeared, of feveral tbouferid men j |the
grandeur of whoie appearance was enlivened' by d*reat number o f
gaud^‘ïteMdards and enfigns* The artillery troops were tirefted in
blue, and had figures o f the ordnance embroidered on. their'deaths,, by
way of diftinétion. They confifted.of feveral companies, and were
ftationed in the center, axui on the flanks «€
ndh were by much the largeft we had feeftin China i a n d ^thel Bri-
tifh cavalcade palled through two very elegaiit triumphal arehès, f t
was feinted by a difcharge o f artillery.
T h e fiver being very Ihallow towards the Ihore,, the jumps lay
at the diftajSce o f fiftyjyard&from. it, and were rtóged Biï a MnC;felofe
to each other» A platform was ereCted from: die triumphal arch to-
the junk appoiitted to receive the'Anaba&doE,‘which öonfiftéd^of-a
great nurpber of carts faftened together, with iplit bambods taidf deibis,
The multitudfes of people aflembfed to fee the embarkation* were fin
great, that I Ihould hazard credibility were I to exprefs mff-'opifiiCDa, o£
them. Befides the crowds which-wéte 6nffbet',‘ great mfibbef^were:
mounted on buffaloes, or drawn in. carts by the fame,1 amrifels', 3%ha>
were tame and docile as our o& B f*. Sêatt* dlNÉ«8S$!ÉiP
perfons on their backs at the fame time,, whom théy l&ffé with great.
Cafe* and wörC fubmiflive td Ihëir'Ë&s»; Thè bufeib'tó vëiy 'much:
ufed iff this country in every kind of draught labour, and partieidarly
itt the occupations, of hulbandry. " .
(; )
On^ntcrj.ng, th^e Junlts, t l^ w e r e £pqnjh though of final! dimea- . lWP
be ijttedjUp tvithgro^feneatnefs anffpecyjiar accommodation. November.
A t fijjVe, the aftpfpQpjn, tjjgfUyhQj^flegt jva^ .unmoored, and^
pxoceededvq^y^voy^g,^ ,-j ^
I went op^ppa^^h^jlJ^fe jjank, mandarjn^Van- Fsilay rj,.
Tadge-Fn, examining. oHs ^of ,thfi people belonging ttfafe it,, concerning
fome niifdemeanoug, he .was ordered,-
toA becfpun>flped wrth^a bap:uja,do,f agd’ ^^.^fcprdingly f^eiveij. t^wo
dQ^edfltolfe6fkf|Qmq bambo^a.a^XQfe.the thighs,
The greater part of this day’s voyage wa§ between janges g f rAonn-
tainoys coynto^ offering' a. great vawpf pfLl, re%^e
feenes.,; The intervening vajlies weip^c^v^fcd.^pjvith ^e^taflow an,d
mulberry ^rees!; from the former, of which the ,Qhin.efe (malm^their
candles, which are o f a fuperior quality. This tree<^i|5 here called
the latchpo, and is remarkable for |he beauty _ off {ite appearance^ » it is
the fize of an apple tree, having fcarlet leaye§^eggea with yellow ,tand
bloffoms Qf a pale purple. The midberry tree is, cultivated in China
with great care, for the produce of filk, which is. a principal article^of
Chinefe. commerce,
,We this day pafled feveral, fmall villages, ^and a walled egy, parded
gwjQuntongit is fituated about three quarter^ q f a tenlc^p^dhe r#ver^
antf -neana largefqreft that ihades the country about it.
This part ofi.jhp* river, though very broad, is feldhai more than
trap Qr,'three .feeipp depth* and rin^Q^^pl^cp rnpjre- th^n fpnn ^Tphe
water jhag p.j green -hue, and the battony gravel.
, isa- tnixlnre, offepdand fton.es •
In the evening of. thjs day we were very much delighted with a yiew
o f the^ity. of ^aiigpoa jp a ftate of. magnificent ijiurriinatipn. The
troops were alfo drawn* up on the bank^.gs we perceived by their
E e 2 ' lanterns ;