t m j
The npi^Bei^jiii^-emfïoyed‘M>&ï^0ecaffl>»:för tfre reception off
the fuiteaiuff baggage, a m o u n t e d , o f f about. an. hundred»
Hiuns. bu-rtherKv*
At tvm^o’efoek* in- tEe'aiferrristofilïwë few the town- and, fnrfdoff MéP-
to.w j- at three the junks dame to- anchor at
wheig^sfé found t-fee Jaekadl*, Glarendëy aéd? Endeavour arrived before'
us. From, the feveraff ihort-windings- at- this part o f the river} we*
were* obliged frequently to anchor and weigh} in order,-to t- avoid -thé;,
At fqup.tJae whole fleet came tb- anchor ogpefke th f gahtêê-Q? tog?
principal mandarin..
T h e town, though extenfiVe, has not the charm-off elegance of t-has^
merit o f uniformity % indeed,1 its fituatipn- ifcfqeh a«- to e-xeliid^ anyi
eneöuragement to beautify and adorn; it, as ifrjs htuated o p S fssjamg^
©qcafiqned by the frequent overflowing o f die fea, notwithftanding;tnè;
precaution of the inhabitants to make an-embankment; on-the lhor&,-
hordes, or huts, fbr they rather d e fe r s the latt#" name, are-
built altogether o f mud, with bamboe* r o o f s $fèy are ydrydow, and
.-without either floors ©r> pavements, .At ai finall diftahce from die
fb"\vn there, ate feveral buildings^pf a very fuperaor forga and Spgearahoe,
which belong‘d the-mandarins o f tfiopléee-: they ahe- con>ffröd:êd< 3£l
ftone and wood j the body o f the houfe- being -of- the- former., and
the wings and galleries* which are very pretty, and painted of vs^h
ïiahs'eqioursysef the latteif material i they ase o f'a fquar$ffoirmj-aadjt
three ftories in height; each ftory having a furrounding.' range of pa-
liiado'es, which are richly- gilt and fancifully painted. The lower,
ftory, or ground floor, is .fronted with piazzas}. which are ornamented.
in the fame manner. The wings project oil each fide the»body óf the
houfe, - and appear to contain a confiderable range of apartment?. '
■ at / Each
i P >
« 'Each mandarin isjàfjbiidèd^by a grea t numb er o f g u a rd s , confifting *793-
ihoth o f infantry u c i y i ^ T v v ho live in tents pitched round the refi- *Augutfc
dence o f ’the pcrloi-uige y h om t l i ’e y fervè.™*^
ISoffediftaadin j j -^ ^ ÿ n f^ o u r a b h fituatfon, the imnjfhffr Crowd o f
fpédtato*s who' 1 afl£mnlëc&b*'fêe the AmuMraabr common m ore: proves-
MettoW tpifbp a .p ii& e o£®prodlg'!oiis' p opiifetion. M a n y o f theie c u -
fions -prisb^le w t t ë on-htMehaclc an d in càf^jâgegj MSafftfhe fe à h k k o f
the rivéi-' Wh’êÀà 'd k F jàmèsilay at ariëhdr Were eh h fe lf' ebvdiéd' with-
fliem.. ’
: -, The-»oply fort jnfethis- pltae nonfifls ''fimpfy o f aîffqiiâre idwex^'-And *
feepis-torhave been-eOi^tu^edf for ornament rather than pfifcfifc utility^
fisf}, though it- Hands on the? veiy margin* of ^thetfea,; and 'commîtiîdsî
the entrance o f the rivèr^, not at fingle-’gidceipf ordnance appears; oil the
The - Breadth off thid part erf- die river ft aBdtftfa fliri'ÉÉg-i and the;
eofouçmff the watèr is-muddy, refcmblingrthaf; o f thfr Yfells# Gcèaib ’
with/which. it niingles its depth'is very unequal; bëirig<in‘ fdhie-pàÿfs* ;
nih^pated in others fix- feet deep ; butf iri no partlefs tfiânlt’Wo.t- -SX?<
the entrance, as has been, already mentioned, there is a bar or BlÊSf'W;" '
land*, whioh-ftrétches ajorofs'-iff anebat füfî tide'has- n6t iridre dèptlh *
than{fix oü’feven' festt; ■ tlîoûgW aÉdlari^-'
few yards only ftOm-the barj, there is'Upwards of'fix fatho'fhswater.
The enyirons^Bf the, town ^m-efent, off^ b'ofh fides the river', an’
j^t-panfehf-flat, country./ The foil’ is rich,, and can boaft extraordinary,
» Iti- thé
•acceptable prefent off dreflèdîmeatsîSrfd; ffttifé. - '
c h a p :.