% 0 )
the Imperial ,refidence. There a - more ahjpi^aût; idtfpIay>of;/rofxefh-
ments was prepared than we had feen far dpiep fro^fithe‘difficulty
o f procuring .them in metTêtSjptry thm-ugH which vu pined;
Some time was alfoneceffany/for every parj o f the fuite tq an ange
their drefe, and fettfe their, appearance» - A t half paft nine, however,
we arrived^'fmalh visage, ^called Quoangchp, at abouVjfe-diftance
o fa srn|^frbni JehoP. Ifepe me fmte"alighted" fiopih then horjes and
xarriages, arid ght.merçfdlyg.s 3b aflame o f'préparation fôr* the” eAffy-i
which proceeded in the John wjmg, manner, ' am’idffe a prodigious coiv
courfe of,people, vwhom-£jifipM^h»d led" ta fëë^fuch ’a {pekacfeàs,
theyfiâa.nëÿerleejn before,' and wilt never-,' I-bpHpve'$£hoM; again»
The foldiers o f the royal artillefy, contmartledby' Lieutenant Paxifti t
The> light-hcwfe aiidi infantry, commanded',fey/ Lieutenan± CreWerV
The1 fevants ©f the Atnbafplfer,, two; and two; I <
:■ T h e epnrkatssiU ’
, The mechanics, two- and ;two j. ;
The muficians, two,aad two ;
The gentlemens @£ theifeate, two andv tma# s: :
* Sip George Staunton in <m palanqjiift pH
Tt^> AmbaffadoF andî Mr- Sttmntbn I t the; psft^Wi^i.-trât&a-hîasfcii
boy, dieflfechitea' turban, behind itvsclbfed^the ^ocefficàv £
There was, indeed, fomewhar o f pàrà^-ih^alPthis'
but it wàsJ by" no means calculated -'i® iirtprefs a fevohrablerd'ea
of-the greathe# bffthe Btitifi* nation* etih ife# mihd^^ei 's&io’fes who
behdeEit1? they raight- Ite-, plèafètt with its^ novéfty itdidtfiot;1
in any' degree, poflhfe that eharaderiftic appearance which was fi>
iteceffîiy-dn-the-prefënt oecafion. The1 military departments màtib#i>éP
fpeflàfiïh-%ufè^ aadf-dte- gdntiëhîêoedf'tSe ïiiftë-nahnbt H# flipbèfèdS
for a moment to fterogate-Trom the dipfehaitiç charaden% wMcè^
they were involved ; but the reft of the company exhibited a-*v,ery
auk ward1 appearance :• feme-wore- round hats* -feme eocfted feats* 'and
others ftraw Hats-;- fome- were. in. whole hoOts* fonte in half boots, and
(( *39 ))
effhers in fhotS -with’ <rolohfed3,ffoefcings. fe-fltbrt, urilefs it -was in %y93.
feeonduhand ghatsarid waifteb'dts, ‘which did>not 'fit ;thom,*'theinferior V "l*Sw
T^art dP the Juite <®T£bt dgoy teven* fhe tippfe^rice Of -fltabby-tinfc.
m In this ftale and order the -pioccffion movefl on wifh a flew pace to
th y ’pity o f Jehol, and fo©n aft'^feii o’clock arrived atl%a palace prb-
Vt^tfoSr^He a'ecdtrfrlioSation' >«tf %he ©ritifh embafty in this-city.
Here the -rifiHtatyipa« ^ ‘the'tea^lballfe'Tormed' a- line to receive the
Ambaifadofr With the oiftiS honours»
Thus-'-the 'emfeafty 'atriyed' at =the end -of ‘its stddibus. ^and trou- *
blefbme journey : ( h # the- mahn^b;f&W^-dtfeptibfi' didhnot 'fill us
“frith bay extrayagkm-expeaatton'4 Js'to -thfeifftbe sofe i t : ‘fttrndt a mandarin
appeared to congratulate the-Ambalfeddr <oh>his arrival, or to
aftter '•Him, -with that form which his dignity demanded, to the
apartments provided ‘f©r Him. In ficrrt, we tcamefteithis palace'with :
-more thanmfuM eeremori^- ’hutwe ekereddnfoit withgslMbpas any of
•fhofe khere we-ffawb^en Sceommodated during oar journey. This ap-
peared-to he 'thetn’ofe •extraordinary, as it %as the avowed expectation
d f the'pfiheipal petfons o f the -fofte, ftiat the Arribaftacfcr wbuld- be
•met, dfefliilr entry at Jehol, by T h e ‘Grand’ Ghoulaa* the Imperial
'•^inlfterpf ;ftate; feuthn WMt grbUnds this expedlSition'Was formed,
;©r ‘fpp whstt teaftm' it received faC'h a difapp'ointinent, ittisi -not for ’ ihc
-to o^refa ‘GonjedtUire’.-' ■
•‘ O n t ‘ttr1I'-arri»va3, Lieut. Gdl. ©enfon ordered- the troops to hold
4hemrfelves ‘hi r^dineft *0 fell bite1 ifijae*ai'-almtMe«5s -warning; and
dejlud thg, fervuits1, mechanics, -^c. to range thtemfelves -in order
^dRlre the dQQ£ °t "the Ambaflador’s apartments, £n‘order ^ receive the
Grand 'Chouiaa, who was -expe&ed every moment to pay his jifit o f
faliitation' and welcome.
T U In