His ExcellencyriSe^oa)^s, . & c: conjtjled o f
A Steward, and an under ditto,
2 Valets de Chambre,
A Cook,
2 Courie.rs,
• A Footman,
ABaker?» |
A Band o f 6 Muficians,
A Carpenter and »Joiner,
A Saddler; 1
A Gardener,
A Taylor,
A Watchmaker,
A Mathematical Inftrument-maker,
Belonging to Sir G. Staunton:
2 S e r v a n t s ; * * - ? Gardener, f
Which, with Mr. Crewe’s Valet de Chambre, formed die Whole'pf the.
domeftic eftahlifliraent, except Aree natives o f China, Who "went o S
with us frqm England, *'
The Military Eftabli/hment, or Guards, coti/tfetMf
20 Men o f the Royal Artilleiy;
io Ditto n th Light'Diagdoris T
26 Ditto drafted from the additional Companies o f Infantry, at Chatham.
The Ships which were employed to take the Embajfy fo'C hind , were
The Lion, o f 64 guiis, Sir Erafmus Gower, Comittander-;
The Hindoftan Eaft Indiaman, Capt. William Mackintofh, Coin-
mander; and
The Jackall brig for a tendei, manited by officefs and meii froni the Lion.
Lij/l o f the Officers on Board his Majejy's ShipLion.
SirErafmus Gower, Knight, Commander;
Mr. Cambell, iff. Lieutenant;
Mr. Whitman, 2d. ditto;
H f o f the Officers on BoardhissMajejly^s Ship Lion. ■
*M. Atkins, ^d^djjttp;
Mr. CoJc, 4th. ditto-— ^--daed at C h u fa n '; '
Mr.' Ommaney, adling Lieutenant-;
Mr.Jackfoni jlVfaftd^of A e Lion 5.
M r/ Saunders, Mal|er’s-mate ;,
Mr. Tippett; ditto.;
Mf.^ Simes, ditto (difmiffed from-the £hip/at Batavia)!* vC
"Mr. Lowe, dittoV
Mr. Roper, ditto ; 1
Mr. Warren, ditto (fon o f Dr/. Warren, Phyfician tohis-Majefty,
and the Prince o f Wales), promoted to be adting Lieutenant ;
Mr. Kent;
Mr. Chapman; (appointed Gunner, vice- Corke, deceafed).
Right Hon. Lord Mark Kerr, (fon o f the Marquis Lothian),, pro,.
- moted to be adting Lieutenant’;
Hon. Wm. Stuart, (fon o f the Eari Bute) ;
Mr. Bromely,
Mr. Swinboume,
Mr. Kelly,
Mr. Dilkes*
Mr. TrollopeK
Mr. Hey wood,
Mr. Hickey,
Mr. Thompfon, .
Mr. Waller; (died at Wanqioa^^^p
Mr. Beaumont, (returned home from Angara Point, for the;
recovery o f hi& health) |
Mr. Snipe,
Mr. Wools,
K^r. Montague*
Mr. Chambers,
Mr. Scott,'
Mr. Bridgeman,