feme prejudicial efïèét on the conftitutions o f thofe wh^contiaualiy
ufe it.
ThoPgh ^Ts'fe tfcfecmfyport In the ehspire o f China, whese* Euro-
peans are fuflfered to trade,.ail commercial bd|w&f^i» tranfaded in the
füburbs,, which ate about a mile from the city. They are very extern,
five, and Without any pretenfion-s to -gcahdeür dr dlegaaice. Thed&eets
are*- fc gteneralj very narrow, and always ihrtMaged With people. The
houfes are of wood, confifting only o f a ground floor and upper dory.
They all contain (hops, and are fitted top within after ^he 'Eng-
Jifli manner, to Which the irdrabitants appear to have a’ "-decided
partiaMiy.. Indeed, it was not uncommon to fee their names written
on the - figés, in Englilh characters, and adapted to Englifh orthography.
The porcelain watehoufes which J faw here, are laid, and f
believe with great truth, to exceed any fimilar repofitorksinithe worki,.
far extent, grandeur, and Sock iri‘trade. ' The ‘Warehrmfes of the
tea merchants are ahb filled with ex ten five which
fnntain an article, now become almoft a neceflary of life inf our co-un»-
try, and of'increafing ufe in every other part o f Europe.
j The factories o f Aeffewferal European comparies, who tracfe to dus
part of the eaftefn world, are formed m tte iftyle offthat quartet ofthe-
globe to which they belong. The buildings, me eonftrudied o£ i©ne
and brick, on a very fubftantial plant they fia far eoit&ïm ter the
architectural defigns o f . the country, which I .believe tou las the be%
that they incfofe large courts, Where there are apartments for the fuper-
cargoes and Writers, 'as well as Tor & captain and mates offMps,
during the time they are loading their (hips.
There is a range o f tbefe fa&mes along rthe rive*, bu® without the
lead communication with each other j. and their general diftin&iOB'is
the hag, or ftandard o f their TefpeCi-ve countries, which are feen fly-
ing during tire day on fome confpicuous -part of each factory.
( m )
The fever#! Ba^ions whofe fcrading cpjppaniss hayej fiL^gries here,
*rc .England. Holland, Ejpgp,- Portugal,, Spain, b«cejp&ef.
and ;AMS3SP# EdgWh, b°th, .frcvn'i. tlteygxiefit; 4 their
buildings, 9®d the number -o£,tjpLejs (hips, appeal to almoft the
whole ° f tbcod?Av&W
^ 5^he- relidatce-qf.Lord, Macartney, ,was on'the oppofite fide "of the *,
river; .and, as a mere place of-.temporary accoojmodation, was*
•contrived with great judgment, and afl^nged^ with unconunop attepyjon
to tin convenience bf the npper,orf|^‘’X3f'»t;be snabaffy jj die r||E'ef the
fifite occupied, foffite1,of* thjg^gfnpagy’s figr,©propmp,- were fitted
up- in-a very neat and cp^urood , mapper for .the o^c^fipa.
■ u federal days, after bis-Ess®itency’s ,afriW ^t t|iis he was
entertained, during dinner by a CshvpSfc .J-$aF, on a ftage ueeted lufiirc' -'
the windows of his, apartment j and with extraordinary feats o f legerdemain,
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j^ auaai^^jdguai: g f .this
- ,T h e ,¥ i^ ^ c a f dEantort paid .the -BritUh Ambadadpr oqly one yifit
during» his (lay here, which, was. followed by large prefer^ of fugar-
scandy, pordelain and nankeen, to the .whole retinue o f the embafly.
The gentlemen of. the ;BrkHh faftory. entertained .Lord Macartney
and'thefwhole fuite with great elegance Sind lipfpitality,. o« Chrifin^s
day, 11793» and the firil.dyy„Q-f January 1794* They 4*9 a
requifition sto engage -the h%nd of jnyfic that had.Yacqo'tnpaqied die
^n\bafly, from whofe, fervice .it was accordingly. ;&fcharged, and
entered into .that,of £be>h)ngli(b. -fafilory} ^yery acquifitipa
in a country a*|4. fi tuat ion, where J|| cxtttjfljjjjjt^feawpt $ f any
kind i§ tp he pbtainnd.*;.i,,
Npr can Tj .in thisYpfece, where I am to -take^ leave .pf Canton,
avoid exprefling a regret, that the inhabitants of it are very different
L 1 z in