'T uef4ay ig.
21 * )|
common to the country, .j\ÿ.e -this day faw a pagoda that rofe to/.foe.
height, cd.eieyenifofies, ;:i
T h e fleet anchored at night before the ^ates of the city p| ÿfâ'qÿ
atchou. .
Th e ..country in fome d^ree refumed its former appearance ; rfhe
plains on each fide befog backed by along range o f mountains riling
in foe horizon.
T h e fleet anchored this morning before a very csnfldemfek village,:
to wait for ' the junks o f Lord Macartney and Sir George Staunton, (
which had fallen confiderably aflem.
Soon after dimer foe whde fleet was moored oppoflte to a large
tow®, a fpot which offered foch a difplay o f beautiful and c^trafled
objeéls,' as I never remember to have feen. The river was, of
cpucfc, the central object o f the pidure: on'one fide, o f it. was a town
with all its peculiar circumftances j and before it a military encamp^
mentwith all its gay and gaudy decorations. On the'other fide,was
a range of lofty, perpendicular mcomtains.
The *eftnf this, day was paffed in makingipreparations :fojs pro*
ceecMnÉ a flioft way by land ; in'order to imbark in other junks/.
. A t an early hour the Ambafïador ànd his whole- train difembarked,
and proceeded palanquins, fedans, and bamboo chilis, 'd® »on
ilorfe-back, as" they feverally chofe j for, in all our expeditions by
land, foe mandarin- Vap-Tadge-In always confulted thé fuite àa-fo- tb©
mode of travelling which they preferred, and'neverTaikd iri accommodating
them avoiding to their refpeftive inclinations.
T h e cayalcade .proceeded but a lhort way, before we. erïterëçT a
•svalled city, of confiderable extent, -had with very large fuburbs , called
x ' '' Chan-
( &l $ )
Chanfoiyeng. It is fituatedin a valley formed by two large hills,,
and about a quarter o f a mile from the river. On the fummit of one November,
o f foefe eminences is a pagoda o f a very ancient conftrudtion, and flat
at foe top, inftead of being crowned with a turfot,, or fifing to a point,,
like foofe which every moment prefented theftifelves to our view..
On pafling, through the gates of this city, both as he entered and
paffed out of fit, foev^mjjaffad’or was honoured, .as ufual, with a chfo
change o f artiHeiy. The»,ftr&ts, were very narrow and lined with
thops, fitted up with foat interior arrangement and difplay of com-
modifies* as .well, as exterior decoration1, which has diftinguithedi
fo many of the towns which we bad vifited.
After pafling another walled cityy and fcven villages, which were1
alfo fintounded with1 walls, we arrived at orfC d’clbck at the City o f '
Scooping, where dinner Was1 already prepared. The remainder o f i
our journey was along a good road,, through a fertile country varied'
by hills i tiff,, after pafling, and ftirprifihg by our appearance, a.fuo-
ceflion o f villages, we ahrivbd at five o’clock at the city o f Yoofaun,.
and'were introduced fo the houfe of a ihandarih, oppofite to the wharf.
wReie the junks’ lay at1 anchor) in. which we were to continue our.
voyage? The baggage o f the etobaffy had. arrived befofe usj'and.
was diflrihated in foe feveral coufts 'o f the building.. After- being,
refrefhed with tea, ever/''fihdAVlts ‘ bufy fn fofing/ foeiiffolggage
prdperly ftoWC'd h'n'hoard their refpedtive-juhks; ahd, in tneJeverfidg^
the Ambafladdr and his whole. retirtUe were fitfely- embarked,, ai5Sf»rio& -
Only ready) but anxious, to proceed cat their voyage/ •.'
! The rain was without; remiflion- through foe' Wnoie o f this day,fro Friday su,
foat the junks weie1 prevented 'from quitting’' fn & . fttu&fioh' ; ’a cir-
cumftance that did notfail.ro exercife the iMience-of fo e p'dffehgefirof.
every r;ahk, who had not yet learned to prefer foe. accommodations,,
however, well contrived, on board,» junk moored'to i wharf/fo-1 fod; ..
Comforts of. an houfe on.the ihonCi. ■
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