In a l^ort time after the fleet camMoitsimomingst .the. grand man-
Auguft. darittyof Tyen-fing, efcorled by. a nunperoUs train o f attendants,. came.
ta, pay? a v iit to tb© Bfitiflx Apaba^d®** id
The proceflion commenced with an advanced- troop o f men, who-
were employed in.ftiouting aloud*as they came on, in order tp notify
the, approach o f the mandarin,, that the way might be cleared from
paffengers* and. any accidental obftacle removed which might- impede
his- progress, This party was followed'at -fome. diitance by two men.
carrying large, .umbrellas o f red filk, with a broadtpendjent curtain
the lame, materials:. they are uled to. flheltej thn ^palankm from the
burning rays o f the fun. A large band o f ftandard-bearers, then ,fuC-
ceed,^ the foutfbkfieis fe llow^ tbs palankin next..appears whicbr bears
the mandarin* and a large efcort o f cavalry doles the procelfion.
Such is, the manner in 'which) perfons o f diflSnftion travel in. China £
and their, particular rank, and quality is. marked, hy the number, o f their
The mandarin-of Tyen-fing remained with Lord Macartney about
an houriphni, on his return, the procelfion was illuminated h^ ,a great
number o f people bearing lamps ahd: torches ,, which produced a. very.
Iplendid appearance..
^hurfday iSv, The heat> ftitl continued’ to- be extTemet the country; vanes riot- in
the fertility o f its appearance, and the largefields'of corn which we
palfed to-day, appeared to be as fine, both as. to-crop-and cultivation*
as thofS- whicmare the -boaft o f England. We alfo palfed. a. large
plantation, of- tea; and- a very great number-of boxes ranged’ in order*
for the purpofe o f packing, the-tea, and fending it-to Canton»
In this day’s voyage, the banks o f the- river appeared" in fuel!
varioxtsdothifig o f art and nature; as to dillrad the attention j - and the
alternate view ofextenfiye. meadows,, luxuriant fields,, and the molt;
2 s beautiful*
(( 8* ><
■beautiful gardens, did nnt fuffer ^ie gratification, q t the eye, or the;
mind,, to be for a moment fufpended.
' In the;,evening I went on, lhor;e, and walked along the banks of
the riyer for a couple of .miles ; and, oh a nearer examination of the-
corn-fields, I found that* the grain, which was now’ aTmojEf,'ripe, was-
of a luperiof quality* and- the hulbandry equal to tliat of the' Englill»