1 I ! \
1793* As .to Ac opinion his-Imperial Nfaje$y formed;. of' the ;pie_ >
oSSer" fents^ we learn ,Jts_ hemeyer comlf&inic^ted^k, at leaft, to
apy ql"jth<^e. mandarinp^h^whotn Tij: “would have been, conveyed to^the
the Britifh etribaffy. We'ohif knew, at this ..time,; Aatnhg S
two camera o b f& f^ ^ b ^ ^ tilrrig ti', foolifhly 4ft(Mghf^ m<5!re fuifed
y n j lip arnnfpmept^ftf children. than the infojm#ipri-of'ta$B'4frfei«iiee.
A'large dytlcs., containingvarious..-kinds,- of.'broad and-
- narrow cloths Ip E n g lifh manufacture, together with a confiderable
quantityjpf .camlets, two barrel organs, w ith\*e Mmainder.'lf'fiich
prefects ias. were pot damaged,' were remoVeAfrom^hb palaceby.tbe
Chinefe employed on jjhftc qpqafions. Mr- Pl«mh,.|he;interpreter,<
foretimes accompanied the 'presents to explain the n«ure apd ^ppM,
_ cation of A o n , or performed ..th^t office to.jfee-mapd3rbis»-.previ6us',to
thpir depajtpre.'
A s l t now was become a matter of,certainty that the'embafly wotild
rem a in «^ ^m e time at Pekin,- the fupejb jfeddfes which had'beep
brought oyerfqrAis ,Excellency,^ and-Sir George.Staunton, Were uh-J
paCkeda^d goFready,' with all th r elegant fornituflA-f^ immediate;
A very.large quantity .of pcefents were fent fromuhe-himperor to-
Britannic Majefties, accompanied with otherstfear-ihe Ambaffador
and his fuite; which were, as ufkal, diftrjbuted*among them,’ ££
A t m m bis. Exo^Iepcy went,;- with no ‘-other ’rattendant«;fAap- two ‘
gentlemen,ef-his- retinue, -and one fervant, fo-yifit the EmpeAr? bfeit-,
on his arrival at court, he very much alarmed the gentlemenHvitfi him
by fainting a yay : he was tonmcdiatelf conveyed home, and continued
to be very ill during the remainder oftheday.- Theintfixided interview,,
.iy^s ppt.y|fefted to C0nfe^qeHce »o^ hAJtodden -todi^o<*'
htton. 1
(' )
-win the fjorenoon of this da^t^fervanjsof the etpbafly were fummon- 1793.
ed to the-apartments o£ Sir Qeorge ‘StaUnto^ and the foldiers to thofe V^^belT
o f „Lieut. Col-. Bepfo^pwhen djeh per-fomlMei^d fqpft pieces o ffilk ,
four piecpMqfi doifgareeA,|a|'Mrt>>.o'$' #air£b ttankeen)- and k junk of fil-
ve®, being afq|4a|§^|iglpie<se;c^AaiJ”metabilweigl|mg fixteen ounces,
as a„prgfept frpmins Imperial Majeily.
Aj>3^e',gentiem'^ and-toechanics Were"difmifred* fiord their attendahee'
to the-palacetpf Yeumen-manyeamen1 j^fo*ia s'*^1 thh-hS|uWr, mecha-
tufia^ind mithcmiticd nfftwtn/tnts ktre fufoovCd tiom thence, their
^ p j h ^ V a s p o ‘ longer neceifaiy. lV‘B e fits , /evefal Of -'t^e^ptoiTeSts,
wj^pAarial ofigh em was made bgfe|e- th^n^ndar^i^ were found to
% 1 in " the operatidnA anQ^pp^efs&l,tofrihiuted*''fo' them •' Ini'mthers
tOKthenididpQt excite thalNfurprife and'CadtoiEa.tiOn in-the-bteafts o f the
C^Jiinefetohdofapher", which Dr.> Dinwiddieland Mr. Barrow ex-
jpedfpd,. whptm toediately, deter mined upon, the ignorance that prevailed
.in China,pnd.the grofs',obUigaoy o f ihe people; |
, A report ’v^as, imcirculatiprt this day throughout the palace, that the
eAtoiify was, to iqmt Pekin ■ in - th^feginnihg; ,0 f the week: a dreum- ,
fiance ^hjkh^wasjfo contraiy to thegeneral expet^atiba, that it did not
-at^irft meefiwith the credit,, which.it was afterwards fopnd to deferve.
A a C H A P .