it is perfe&ly uniform in all its', .parts, The. body: of the houfenfes
l l l w e. ftn?ieslr,ahd-the w i n ^ a seidiinimHfiied to two.. A paved courf
occupies a large fpace in the front and- the whole is enclofed by a,
wall, including a. large garden, that extends to the beautiful, hill, of
which a very inadequate {ketch has been already given.
The countryjcontinues to make great advances in landfcape beauty:
fields full of fertility, with their thick and fhady enclofures-j farms,
embofomedin orchards; villas, and thek-gardens,. we have
tinued to fee ; but now the mountain, rifes before us, not rugged and.-
barren, but verdant, to its very top* -while inwmer&'fe hsxikt a&
cattle, and flocks o f Iheep, hang down its Hoping
Another town foon fucceeded* and to, that a iake, fetounded byAdfc
o f the fame kind, and covered with the fame inhabitants as^o.fe which
have juft been mentioned^ From this enchanting fppf.our fleet, patted:
through a Jock, and between a dMytl^id& j ^ f l - ^ 31’ thatbdtyides.
another huge commeidal town. Here we faw a brick-kiln, and a
great pile o f bricks juft made:,they appear to be competed o f a hand
.o f fand, mixed up with the nmd pfi.the rdv^r. The kiln itfelf is built
o f the materials which it makes, and is in, the form o f a fugar loaf.
In the evening we paffed a large walled city, containing all theoir^
•cumftances of the various places of that deferiptdon which have been
already enumerated. Several pagodas were ifluminatedtoo the.ojea-
; fion, and had a very pretty appearance amid, the. gloo^a of pighh
c m I
C H A P , XVIIJ,. ,
l i e voyage .continued. A fm ceJfoW o f Various '‘th e elegant
attentions Tof\ a mandarin to the embafly '. Obtains o f f the junks
f Unified fo r embezzling 4be pr options fitjf&ed; fo fi th e d fi o f the
Ambajfador and his fuite. H ufi aft fry o f the CMdefe. Preparations
fo r fending the hpavy baggkge belonging to the embujjy to, Chufan:
fiv e rd perfins o f the fu ite ordered to accompany it. Arrive at
Hoang-tchew. Captain MaciintoJhfr and the, other gerttkme», f it 1 off
% '.ffor-Chufan*
A 'TOWN, which we -ottered this morning, had'-a very difrftal ap- November,
pearance, frpm,the Gplfxijr houfes,which are all built^qf ablack ' day 6.
brick. They were, however* much more lofty than any^wekuh^
feen 9j China*;; foifieof them rifi'rig to fotir -ftbrites1; and thhre* Wore
Very ftw-indeGd-thaUhaddeik than t wd,- *
We -patted beneath-a- very hand feme ftene bridge' Of; three arches-,
-that appeared to be' of recentere&ion, ,U was built'in the mahpbi'-df^
oufc.tbridges, in England* the ceftteC. arch d o f f in g ' a
Ppan, and rifing to an hgher elevation than1 the« lateral-odes. On die
.parapet,, over the former,, were fix round fftjuJI ftdfles, by of or-
nament,, with Chinefc characters engraven ®n them,
l- ' iThe, -mandarin's! palace; a Very lugufe^ftrudWre, immcdiafifly
tradts the .attention on paffing. the bridged near which, it ftands:. On
each fide of the principal gate are two lofty walls, painted of .a red j
.colour, to prevent the building from being feen but in a front view of
j tt The gateway is very much enriched with Iculpture, and: the
oifual accompaniments of Chinefe charadcr-s : it is of ftpne, and
D d 'a 1' - - • ' fiipports