In the forenoon the Ambaffador received a vifit from two mandarins,
who brought from the King o f Cochin China a p relent, con*
lifting o f v
io Buffaloes
S '50'-Hogs .
: 1601 'i%wisv
" 1 5?o Ducks ;
200 Bags o f rice,- and
6 Large jars o f famptfoo.
; The laft is a liquor made in China, and-imported from thence;
Sundays. I went afhore in the forenoon and faw the town,, the name;of which
is Fie-Foo. It confifts of. nothing more than a crowd of, Wretched
batnbOo huts, though it contains ,a fpacious market-place; well- fop-
plied with ducks,’ fowls," eggs,-1 cocoa-nuts, and ‘frdi’tsj The -for-
- rounding country, is flat, and very fertile : but the, matures? feem ‘ to
have little or no idea o f cultivation, which would make ifc ihe^fcC&e
of extreme abundance. Their principal traffic; fcfonSato be- with
~ their women,!*by cdrifigning_themV. for a certain .confederation,I1tplthe,
foclety of' Fiiropeans who touch here.. T h e y , Kave^no, coirij.v bu.t_.-a
jfprt o f caxee j and aU their filver is in thejfonfe!ofi^lhngs.h®ES»
©r Wedges. The jj refiderice o f the principal mandarin confote^fs a
large open range o f bamboo huts, o f a better form, and more, fejfgant
appearance than the reft; containing feveral roomsie>f attajerabie-ifize
,r and proportion»;-'which are' fitted up and fumifhed ;in'a heat-and
ornamental manner.
Monday 3. In the aftemoonthe Amhaflador’s guards, with fome o f f the ftia-
* rines, went on ffiore to pra£tife the ceremonial dutie^ that had^-been
affignfed. them f©r the following day. . -
Twfday#. ■ This monfing the Ambaffador,“attended by his' wholdiuite, in full
uniform , with Sir Erafmus Gower; I Captain Mackintosh, and feveral
t :§.3 , )
o f . the ‘officers o f the Lion and. the Hindoftafr, went on fhore with great
cètemony ;> when, ïiri honour ó f Ba» birth-dayj£| our moft excellen|?* J”*“ -
iSoverdgnvwGeorge the Third ,^he., was’ttSlbtedhwith twenty-one guns
by .the LLiop,'-e-foe,-'Hindoftan, - and, Portugbefe brig. The Britifh
troopsj with their officers,‘landib'agd .of radfic, had ,been.p-revioufly
$Eent afhore to wait his-Efc&ëllency VarnVal.
«’On thi&dayjthe royal- ftandard o f Great Britain was .displayed at the
foaimtop-gaMant-roy a l, maft>;.'>l®fe cSfe^©edt'ge!S.'enfign at? the fdreitop-
g4fiaht'ddttb j* ahdgth^.wion at ,th& mizen. .;
ThejAmb&flador was received, on- hisj laa^i'Pg^ by-foy era}.j man da- “
rins.-fwith {gv^ry-i-rtiark of attention’ and refpeéb,;, $hen:Jie proceeded,
pnder ^jefha^oMiisjaw-n troops, jto|thie!hoiufe_qf .the1Prime Minifter, !
-wBer^^^lJ^ti^jii invjJig^fty-majaper.o^jt^^^puntiyfWit? prepared, for '*
Jiim.' .Here his...Expeliencyjerpained,? fear and,j(after/an
exchange^gffirqü’tual -erwilities, re^yrrSq^, to-^hje Liöp, t_when.heSvas'1 ,
falx^ted^y. fiftfep guns, from all thei,flb|ps lylqg at; anchor
in the ;qftemoori, and purc|iafed,fome^frug; gjicj fogar ,Wednefday$*
o f it very good'quality: it *is,made in large c^-kes, a^d^^^tntjlegijfine
bread, f or„lt$t Inch,. ’at dome frrfell diftance, it may'b,e( aCtüally mi£V *
taken.;. LalfojifeW jfrx ; large elephants,- Ivt^efe^adgbepn jh®aöghïy|far ‘ v
thmam'ufemqpt pf the; man^ari^j ,tliey. appeared? tq ’^^perf^'lyjinno'-.
centt ^ ^ o^ q d i^ it tp. every cqmmand,. ^ud Mjfer^rJpedj.-nQany, foat^gfib
feUmwieldy agility.’ jTjjhjqffe hugev ’ctoimals rnpved^^*p)he|ra^e ©freight
njiles an hour.'.
-On this morning the lick'Were receiyed on hoard the- fhips, feom.the, Friday 7, ?
ftation on fhore.
Mnjackfon',’matter of the Lion, went in the putter#), takp foundings
in the bayj hut having gone>up the moutirof the river Campvella, which
riles about qighty. miles up the' country, ,and formas p cpjafiufrïce with