( U S )
ms- athtofph&e became Srtd eye ranged Wf» a fiat, fetft as Mial*
Notembe^ fertile range o f country, Wbfeij as fk* as 1 cd ^ i d iMn^im, aboGfiaed
in fields of ilcei t>« &S and ttioft uniaterrapted level hevfe»
nrefented a d q l or uninterefting prqfpe& in any part of €Hifia through
which we had paffed } as the feats of the mandarins and their gardens»
with the farttt-houfes embofomed in the trip* and thedong findof
thickets that frequently form the • endbferes. of die fields* compile a
^flurfe whish, though it may hot be, akqgethei fuited to the canvas^
is very pleafing to the .eye in its natural appearances,
l l i e provifions with which the junks had been for fame time.fup-
plied, were o f fo bad a quality that we frequently gave them to the
poor people who conducted the veffeis. This-day* however^ brought
»8 the hope o f better fare, by an improvement in the q p l t y <tf the
various articles which were now feat ©n board s, but, out table
funk again, on the fucceeding day, to that ftate of mediocrity ta
which we had-been habituated fince our departure from Hoiia&ftg-
Wednef- l The-morning was very cold and hazy:—-the thermometer funk to
day*7- fprty-fix degrees!' j
I law fevesak fields where the farmers wete hufy iti pteughidg M
they u£e buffaloes for thalpurpofe. We were furprifedi alfo- with a
very unufual fight, which was. a- village o f mud hdufes or huts,
where the appearance of the inhabitants was as wretched as their
dwellings. This circumftance I was riot able to reeofteik to the geT
neral iriduftry o f . the inhabitantsand, particularly, in that abundant
pant of the country, where it appeared, tome at leaft, that induftry
could always find a comfortable fopport.
The fuite this day received from the mandarin a prefent of caddies
of tea to every perfon who. comgofeddu
i i i# .')
. From;the bsg^|h: ’©f:tfoe river; thy> ai^d
boifterous wind, fog ytysfo run biglj, is |Wjtji a yjftjle^t fijrf. Hpre fog
gftpnilhijig payigltiori qf ;foo-,r-jyer' ypqg v^ded <by a fjejejt çÿf fifoing-
bôats, confifting* of at leaft an hüiîdfe'fofaii'Fs^wl during'?iïp§||hoIje of
-fobs 'doy’s 1 voyage, We continually ébcbunteièd1 lifflpl fèpiadrons -fof
In the afternoon we polled thff;city of ^yaung.-IM-^mp^;,, which
is nol pply orjp of - the l^fgeft peaces b?at the cprp.-
modioufly fituated for commerce, being n^a^?fth^ conflux of ;fe.yeral
rivers;, nor can b^'^ccjj&ri, with juflrice, '^“A^kagg&al'i^n
-when I aflfert, that there \irete not lefs thah5'a thouiand- junks at'^jphps
before’ it. fl
Ahppft opppfite tq fois-eky., fout- kranfl^^pf. the
# large town in an dfvatecLpo^iyp^
a. wall,*which p :.GallOT'Tite-T%i|gai bfor pqo l •re^ftfpia-kirig fof
fervation, that, how.eye#-1- migl^.bp«g^i||bdfV^h foe Yprigty -qfosrq-
fppfi-§* apd op-y^ty of ql^efejyvfoch cqptiqually fplic-ijted ;apd r ew a ^ g 1
my-attent-joh, I qevpr fejt atj iptprval qfj -gft^foftinnent at, foe;
towns ji^pnd q^tps^wafo' which, if J najy y£ibtfo&t ex-jyeftcon, fo§ fy%nks
qf, river were tfotjrig^dj as well ^jjh&myriadjs ^fy^gj^tp^pfo^y*
poured forth.as We paffed by-i or'ai^hored j^rj'tbefo,!
T h e '•giMil./' mandarin o f Tyaungrfoi.-fonna, 'ipahjq'qn-boy$d th,e .
Ambaflador^ junk, with a"numerous tram o f aftendaiyts,
'Exc^Jj^ieyi*;;^ This cer'emodial , - 'w dt^i^p^i^T.W:tfiif;^^epjs3;oF* ■
fifes, pieces'sf fiiie foarlet* cotfqy, Various h^^|rediftuffsL'elegi®t,finel'-
lipg bottles, pieced, o f poredain, and-oaddipe of foe fyi&ft tea., 1
A village, whofe houfes are all built with a blue brick, and roofed Frida>' *?•
_witb pantiles jpfythfe fame colour, was the only.* objedt in-“this day’s*
y6yagp foat poiftjfled ^ny2eircu5|iftance S^BSaeffl^ ''
darins palaces, apd paggi^s, did. not differ-,: ^ as judgy, -
F f 2 ; ' ■ ■ ’ from