( m |
3«-.tfeey ate p o t p? reflff: tKa.vio®i®
' effects of:wind'.and weather.
It is ufual for all yegfel’s pdpch mvi^mth© ^es&dp China; to .have;
^ k tn p , with a %ht^d.candleiaiit;.hoiftedto the mail head,a&ioQtv
as &is d a 4 , to preyeat thofe accidents which would othexwrfe y<?jy.
frequently happen from veiTofs running f c p l.c le a c h other. Thdb;
lamps are made aCtranfparcnt paper, with champers-printed on i*, $q
fottfy what junk it' igy ©e, the rank of apy paffengets on- board it ;;
^ Ml* o f diftiripion, thie^of.^fefe.lgnteh^ are: ufually
Upended. T he veflel is alfo illuminated in.'other parts of' it» parti-.-
«ailarly round the deck * and the number, of lights are generally proportioned
to the rank o f the jterfopsr whojqeeppy thojupk. The j^jne-
fervice whfch the lamps perforin by night, as> far as, relates to ootifieav
tion, is. performed ip* the. d^-*tiipe by filken epfigpsfc. whpife primed-
characters fpecifyjn the fame manner, the exiting circumfiances oft’
Ae vefleL It may be epfiiy conceived,, that,, fltoip the g rg d i^ u s ;
pupiber. of; funks which payigate thi§ ti-m i % v e f y - p j^ g a g ,.^ ..
fometimes, indeed, a grand-offedils produced....by fuch an affiyrihlage
<?f lights: nopving-^gpg the water».
ft am not qualified to determine’ whether it proceeds' from the domef—
gapp h ey oftthe Chingle^&em prejudice, in favour-of-Wg-eifaKl tfh eA .
habits».. of ap ignorance o f mechanics», but-, they, haye not rpade anyad.*-
vaneexp^f feience of- naval axchitejSbBre : the- ju n k s $£■
k ft century, and thofe of, the prefent day, are invariably the fame«
The order in which the. vpflels, appropriated for the purpoie oft
•onveying the Britifb emfeaffyt© Bela», proceeded,, was. as fellows.:.
The grand Mapdaxin, .and his fuite, ip-five, jipiks..
Junk? l^o, p. Whs Excellency the j ^ r l Macartney;.
Ditto, -T- 2. Sijr Geqjge and Mr..Staunton.
’ ,r“’ 3* M r. Elpnab,^the Chinefe interpreter.
3- Junfej
jurik, JNo. 4.
Ditto; —• £ .
— m
W $ S )
laeutenant-Colohel Behfon, lieutenant "Parlih, and
lieutenant Orewe.
Captain Mackintofh, o f the Hindoftan, Mr. Maxwell,
Dodfor GiHaPrandMr. Huttnex.
M r. Barrow, Mr.,WiMet$andMr. Bariqg, §fo»df
■ Erapcis'1 Jgaripg|v
Do#©! Scott* D o # o f Dipwiddie*, My. Dickey* and
M r. Alexander
Ih^fe, with the funks'whkh eontainled theloidktft, mEehanka, and
&rvants, com|)lefced the iiavAi ptotefioa. ‘